prepare a reaction paper reading the chapter 3 social research . Attached is the notes for the chapter.Learning Objectives: Understand that sociological research is a true scientific endeavor whether

Ch. 3 Doing Sociological Research

  1. Scientific Method

    1. Inductive

    2. Deductive

  2. Research

  1. Quantitative methods

  2. Qualitative methods

      1. . Generalizability vs. Explanatory

  3. Correlation

  4. Causality

  5. Variables (dependent, independent)

  6. Hypothesis

  7. Operationalization-the process of assigning a precise method for measuring a term being examined for a particular study.

  8. Validity

  9. Reliability

  10. Reflexivity-analyzing and critically considering our own role in and affect on our

  11. Population/sample

  12. Feminist methodology

    1. Treat women’s experience as legitimate resources

    2. Engage in social services that may bring about positive change in women’s lives

    3. Take into account the researcher as much as the subject matter. (power relationships)

  13. Macro vs. Micro

II Methods

  1. Qualitative vs. Quantitative

    1. Ethnography

      1. Observation, participant observation, interviews

    2. Historical Methods/Content analysis

    3. Comparative research

    4. Surveys

    5. Stats/Demography

    6. Experimental methods

VI Policy

  1. Applied vs. Pure Sociology

    1. public sociology-the practice of sociological research, teaching and service that seeks to engage a non-academic audience for a normative productive end.

  2. Twisted findings