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Japanese Traditions 9

While Japanese traditions are rich and diverse, these Discussion Questions will primarily focus on Shinto, so make sure you read the associated chapter carefully before you proceed. To successfully complete this discussion as part of your participation grade, your submission must be 5 sentences or more and put into your own words (that is, not copied and pasted from the internet).  You must submit your own thread first before you can read what others have written.  I encourage you to read and reply to others! 

Please select ONE option for your discussion thread:

Option 1:  Are you a fan of anime?  Of Studio Ghibli?  If so, you might recognize that Shinto runs as a theme throughout every movie (and other anime as well).  What are some examples of Shinto-inspired ideas in anime in general, or a Studio Ghibli movie in particular?

Option 2:  How do Buddhism and Shinto intersect in Japan?  Or maybe they don't?  What do you think?

Option 3:  What do you think is the most compelling or important aspect of Shinto in Japan?

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

Current Issues 10

Our final DQ!  To successfully complete this discussion as part of your participation grade, your submission must be 5 sentences or more and put into your own words (that is, not copied and pasted from the internet).  You must submit your own thread first before you can read what others have written.  I encourage you to read and reply to others!

Please select ONE of the following options for your discussion thread:

Option 1:  How has Hindu nationalism influence and shaped India in recent years?

Option 2:  Many people say that there are two things one should never discuss at the dinner table--religion and politics.  That said, we can see that religion and politics do in fact, often intersect.  How do Eastern religious traditions impact politics around the world?

Option 3: How can eastern religions be invoked to help fight climate change?  Or can they?

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

*Provide reference to all source you use

Textbook: Amore, Roy C., Amir Hussain, and Willard Oxtoby, eds. World Religions: Eastern Traditions.
5th ed. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2019. (ISBN-978-0-19-900287-0