Term paper I will include the reading of 2 authors and the outline for this paper you need to write 6 pages of double-spaced paper. think critically and the paper should include (1) The author's thes


The following paper discusses the theses proposed by two authors, Waltz and Gilpin, in their respective articles, The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory, International Change and Hegemonic War. The authors provide different perspectives on the causes of war, which are rooted in their analysis of international relations and the balance of power. Waltz argues that the origins of war can be traced back to the anarchic structure of the international system, which creates a condition of constant insecurity and uncertainty. According to Waltz, states are primarily concerned with their own survival, which leads them to seek power and security by pursuing military capabilities (Waltz, 2015). This pursuit of power and security is what ultimately leads to conflict and war. Waltz cites the historical examples of World War I and World War II to support his thesis. Conversely, Gilpin argues that wars are caused by changes in the international balance of power, particularly hegemonic shifts. He asserts that hegemonic wars are driven by the desire of rising powers to challenge the existing hegemon and establish their own position of dominance (Gilpin, 2015). Gilpin cites the examples of the Peloponnesian War and the two World Wars to support his argument.

Both authors draw on historical evidence to support their thesis. Waltz argues that the anarchic structure of the international system has been a constant feature throughout history. At the same time, Gilpin points to specific historical examples to demonstrate the role of hegemonic shifts in the outbreak of war. Waltz's theory can be seen in the current tensions between the United States and China, where both states are seeking to assert their dominance and ensure their own security (Waltz, 2015). Gilpin's theory can be seen in the historical examples of World War I and World War II, where rising powers challenged the existing hegemon and ultimately led to conflict. Although the authors provide different perspectives on the causes of war, their thesis are not mutually exclusive. Waltz's theory of the anarchic international system can help to explain the conditions that lead to hegemonic shifts and the subsequent desire of rising powers to challenge the existing hegemon, which is the focus of Gilpin's theory.


Gilpin, R. (2015). Hegemonic war and international change. In Conflict After the Cold War (pp. 117-129). Routledge.

Waltz, K. N. (2015). The origins of war in neorealist theory. In Conflict After the Cold War (pp. 110-116). Routledge.