can someone complete this short reflection based on portfolio assignment 1 & 2? the reflection only needs to be 1 paragraph. The instructions are in the 3rd document


TRAAP Test on Alzheimer’s Disease

Briana Quintero

University of South Florida

GEY4612: Psychology of Aging

Dr. Soomi Lee

February 1, 2023


John Schmid originally published aromatherapy for Alzheimer's in august 2010 to educate patients who have Alzheimer's on the oils they can use to reduce the impacts of the illness. As a psychologist, John Schmid was able to research different types of oils and how they can be used in eliminating the impacts of the illness, and he developed natural products that can be utilized to reduce the impacts of the infection. Based on the research Schmid carried out, he updates his webpage regularly, and he also allows the visitors to comment about their views on Alzheimer's illness, and he replies to their comments. This paper will focus on evaluating Schmid's webpage on Aromatherapy for Alzheimer's using the TRAAP test.

Response to part 1

  1. Timeliness: The "newness" of the information (Rate: 4)

The content in the website is up to date, and the author has updated it. Furthermore, the author replies to all the comments the visitors send, allowing him to learn more information from them and update the webpage. Before the author updates the webpage, he sends links for the new research via the comments section, where he adds the information to the webpage after he has verified the information. From the information documented on the website, no information rejects research on aromatherapy for Alzheimer's, and the likelihood of expansion on this topic is very high, and the author needs to update the webpage regularly.

2. Relevance: The depth and importance of the information for you (Rate: 3)

The website documents and provides all information associated with aromatherapy on Alzheimer's but does not explain how the illness occurs biologically. Since it does not explain how the illness occurs, it might be hard for the visitors to understand the impact of aromatherapy on Alzheimer on a person's neural connections. The webpage focuses on how oil can prevent the impact of the illness, but it does not document that oil cannot be used in curing the illness.

3. Authority: The Source of the information (Rate: 4)

The author of the website and her wife are both psychologists, and they take care of patients suffering from aromatherapy for Alzheimer's. This justified that they are much knowledgeable and experienced about the disorder. The website's author keeps researching the illness and is in contact with the patients who are suffering from the illness; he is likely to learn more, allowing him to make updates to the website. The author has made several effective products that reduce the disorder's impacts.

4. Accuracy: The reliability and correctness of the information (Rate: 4)

The information documented on the website can be classified as reliable as the author has cited other sources associated with aromatherapy that psychology researchers have conducted. To justify where the author has obtained the information, he lists several links at the end of the webpage associated with other webpages, thus enhancing reliability. The resources are exciting as they document how the illness occurs and how its impacts can be minimized.

5. Purpose: The reason the information was created (Rate: 4)

The primary purpose behind the website's publication is to educate people with Alzheimer's. The author can do this by sharing his experience with the people suffering from the illness and what they can do across various periods to minimize the impacts. The webpage targets people who have Alzheimer's and anyone who would like to conduct research associated with Alzheimer's. The website can be classified as very informative, but it should address issues associated with the illness as it is fatal.

Response to Part 2

When the author was publishing the website, he did not provide the reason behind the publication, and it would be better if the author published the reason to allow the readers to understand more about the webpage. The website effectively provides information on how oils can be used in diagnosing Alzheimer, but it does not explain how they work biologically, which is an offset to the information provided. Since the author is a psychologist, he explains everything accurately and reliably, making it worth visiting the website. The website covers most of the aspects associated with diagnosing the information, but it fails to cover information on how oils minimize the impacts and what amounts of oils should be used. In conclusion, I like the oils the author provided in the study as they are organic oils with minimal side effects to the patient using them for treating the illness. (Schmid, 2022)


Schmid, J. (2022, September 6). Aromatherapy for Alzheimer's - Great dementia therapy. Best Alzheimer's Products.