Security Architecture and Design Individual Project Require project report and Presentation check the attached document for detailed description No Plagiarism

Residency Make Up Session Assignment


Security Architecture and Design


Individual Project

Prepare a report to address all aspects of the assignment. This report should be at least 13 pages of content. You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources. You must have at least 15 references, 7 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In addition to the 13 pages of content, you will want a title page and a reference sheet. This report needs to be in proper APA format.

Paper Sections

The following sections should be outlined as Headers in the paper.

Introduction, thesis statement, overview, purpose
Background, discuss the history of the topic.
Discussion, identify benefits, obstacles, and innovations.
In conclusion, summarize the overall study and lessons learned.
References, a minimum of five references with citations in the body.


All written reports should be submitted in MS Word. The paper submission will use SafeAssign. Please use the proper Author, YYYY APA citations, with any outside content brought into the paper.

Be prepared to present a 10-minute presentation on this assignment.

Students must submit written assignments and presentation slides in the folder labeled “Makeup Assignment” in your iLearn course.


Below are Residency Project examples by Faculty.

Dr. Dawson Residency Project

Perform a search in Google or in the school’s online library database for three or four companies that have been victims of STRIDE and privacy threats. The issues must have occurred within the past five years.


Company Name—type of company—Industry—Customers (consumer, business, or both)

Type of threat

What or (who) caused the threat

How the threat was discovered

How the threat was resolved

How you believe the issue might have be avoided—third person; eg. One may argue; It may be concluded;

Known repercussions from the threat (monetary, reputation, brand, customer loss, etc).

Dr. Alhamdani Residency Project

There are many security architecture modeling such as (Angelo, 2001) which focus on data in term of classification, Regulatory, change control; others look at the security functionalities as architecture (Harris, 2016); another approach presented in (Killmeyer, 2006) which look at the security architecture from the point of security program, this approach covers Security Organization Infrastructure, Security Policies, Standards, and Procedures, Security Baselines and Risk Assessments, Security Awareness and Training Program, Compliance. Other work looking at the security policies as a architecture modeling (, 2017); many work been done on Enterprise Information Security Architecture (EISA) and some define the EISA as “process of instituting a complete information security solution to the architecture of an enterprise, ensuring the security of business information at every point in the architecture” (, 2017). Some work based their security architecture as an extra layer to the information architecture layers where the (Dournaee, 2011). This work does not go with security as a layer added to the information architecture. Information architecture (IA) defined as” is the structural design of shared information environments; the art and science of organizing and labelling websites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability and findability; and an emerging community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape (, 2017), and we do not look at the information security architecture from a single domain as it implementing in EISA case. There was a work to establish an understanding of information security architecture in (Thorn, Christen, Gruber, Portman, & Ruf, 2008) was defined security architecture based dependency as the highest level which drives the security architecture is the Business Strategy & Requirements which drive IT Strategy & Governance which itself drive the IT reference architecture.

There are a separation between security architecture for a security program for an organization (which is primary focus for this work) and security architecture for a products or technology (Thorn, Christen, Gruber, Portman, & Ruf, 2008) such as security architecture for HP XP7 Device Manager Software, HP XP7 Tiered Storage Manager Software or IBM DB2 v12 for z/OS (Common-Criteria, 2017) or Java security architecture, GSS security architecture or CDMA) (Thorn, Christen, Gruber, Portman, & Ruf, 2008).

You need to think and search to build a new methodology to understand to Information Security Architecture (ISA) as a complete independent architecture design stand by its own. You are not eliminating any other work or methodology that gives a new way to understand information security architecture.


Angelo, S. M. (2001). Security Architecture Model Component. Retrieved from (2017). Enterprise Information Security Architecture (from BPC, Articles and Glossary). Retrieved 2017, from

Common-Criteria. (2017). Certified Products. Retrieved 2017, from can be retrived from

Dournaee, B. (2011). How about a Security Layer? Retrieved 2017, from Can be retrived from

Harris, S. (2016). Chapter 5 Security Models and Architecture. In CISSP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide (p. 186). McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (June 7, 2016).

Killmeyer, J. (2006). Information Security Architecture An Integrated Approach to Security in the Organization (Second Edition). FL 33487-2742: Auerbach - Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Thorn, A., Christen, T., Gruber, B., Portman, R., & Ruf, L. (2008, 9 2). information security society seussland: What is a Security Architecture?-v6.doc. Retrieved 1 1, 2018, from can be retrived from (2017, November 22). Security Architecture and Design/Security Models. ( Retrieved 2017, from (2017, Dec). Information architecture. Retrieved 2017, from