PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED AND FOLLOWTHOSE DIRECTIONS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. A sample paper is also attached, please follow thw format of the sample. Double Spaced 2 full pages

PSYC 379: Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology

Current Events Analysis

25 points

The purpose of this assignment is to critically evaluate a current event using multiple sources and incorporating concepts that you have learned in PSYC 379.

  1. Choose a current event that has a cultural emphasis. This will need to be an event that has been reported by at least three different news sources. Choose a story that is intriguing to you! The event must have occurred within the last 6 months.

  1. Find three news articles from different online sources that describe the story. The following website does this for you, providing a headline roundup of different perspectives on the same event:

Your three sources must differ in their political leaning. One source must be considered left-leaning (liberal perspective), one right-leaning (conservative perspective), and one centered (no bias). Unsure of what sources fall into these categories? Check out:

  1. After reading all three articles, write your own description of the event, doing your best to present an unbiased version of what happened. Your summary of the event should be about ½ page long (double-spaced).

  1. After your descriptive summary, provide the headline and news source for each of your three articles.

  1. Next, compare and contrast how the same story is presented across the three different sources. What are the similarities and differences that you see in tone, content, message, and/or conclusions? (E.g., consider the wording used across the three headlines.)

  1. Within your compare/contrast analysis, relate the event to at least three concepts that you have learned about in PSYC 379. These connections should be made using specific concepts rather than general terms. For example, discussing the issue of power distance as it applies to your news story would be appropriate; noting that the event involved two different ethnic groups would not. Put the specific course concepts that you use in bold font.

Assignment Details:

    • 12-point Times New Roman or similar font, with 1-inch margins on all sides

    • Double-spaced

    • Two full pages (not to exceed three pages)

    • Submit as a Word document under Assignments (link can be found by clicking on Assignments in the left menu)

    • No title page; put your name and Current Events Analysis as your header