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With a new state law being enforced, schools in Texas are now obligated to hang posters or framed copies of the nation’s motto “In God We Trust” when certain specifications are met. The specifications are stated under Senate Bill 797 which include the fact that schools must hang a poster or framed copy of the nation’s motto in a visible area if they were donated or purchased using private donations. Another stipulation that is stated under Senate Bill 797 is that it is mandatory that the poster include an image of the American and Texas flags under the motto. With these guidelines being declared, some individuals and groups have already made donations of posters to many public schools across Texas. There are similar laws that have been recently passed that require institutional buildings such as public schools and government buildings, as well as police vehicles, to display the nation’s motto.

News Article 1 (Left-Leaning or Liberal Perspective)

Headline: Public schools receive ‘In God We Trust’ poster donations as new Texas law requires their display

News Source: CNN

News Article 2 (Centered or Unbiased Perspective)

Headline: Texas mandates donated "In God We Trust" displays in schools

News Source: Axios

News Article 3 (Right-Leaning or Conservative Perspective)

Headline: 'In God We Trust': Texas Law Requiring Public Schools Display National Motto Draws Backlash

News Source: CBN

Compare (similarities)

  • All three articles discuss the fact that the national motto has been connected to religious affiliations by the public. (The idea of religious affiliation from the textbook and article can be connected because both discuss being connected to a certain religion, in the article connections between the nation’s motto and the Christian religion are made).

  • The three articles discuss the nation and the nation’s motto “In God We Trust”.

  • The articles discuss and explain the new law under Senate Bill 797.

  • All three articles express the fact that there has been backlash, concern, or differing views when it comes to the nation’s motto being promoted in public schools.

Contrast (differences)

  • The CBN article supports the idea of collectivism when it comes to religion. (The idea of collectivism from the textbook and article can be connected because they both indicate the idea that everyone shares the same thoughts when it comes to religious beliefs and practices). The article even includes a tweet from State Senate Bryan Hughes that reads “The national motto, In God We Trust, asserts our collective trust in a sovereign God” (Warren, 2022). This tweet confirms the idea that the motto has Christian roots or can be connected the idea of one true power.

  • The CNN article supports the idea of individualism when it comes to religion. (The idea of individualism from the textbook and article can be connected because they share the idea that religious views and beliefs differ by individuals.) The article expresses concern that students must view a poster in school that believes that promotes Christianity and possibly conformity. The article takes into consideration that not all citizens of Texas practice the Christian religion or even believe in a monotheistic religion or God at all.

  • CNN (left), CBN (right), and Axios (centered) have different perceptions or ideas of what this newly influenced law means for Texas individuals, specifically students attending public schools.

    • The CNN article perceives the new law under Senate Bill 797 as negative. The author and people that were quoted within the article have the outlook that displaying the poster with the nation’s motto violates the separation of church and state. The article explains how the promotion of the motto may impose religion on students.

    • The CBN article perceives the new law under Senate Bill 797 as positive. The author and people that were quoted within the article have the outlook that displaying the poster with the nation’s motto exhibits pride of American culture and history. The article even discusses the fact that “In God We Trust” has been the national motto since 1956.

    • The article by Axios is not written with bias and shows both left and right views on the topic without inserting opinion.