It's possible to do this?


The journal article should be based on an experimental study, or at least good survey data, whereby the researcher directly uses a reliable sample, collects and analyzes the data, discusses the findings, and draws a conclusion. The summary should be descriptive and expository in form. The summary MUST NOT be more than three pages in length and follow APA format. Once you have chosen an empirical article based on an issue, problem or topic of interest from the options you are provided, consider addressing the following questions. Please consult your TA for any further questions.


1 – What is the purpose, basic concern/issue or goal of the study?

Consider : Why the study was conducted?

What behavior was of primary concern

What is the main hypothesis

Independent and dependent variables of the study

2- What is the essential method of study or research strategy used in the study?

Consider: The participants, it’s characteristics and size, representative sample, sample type

The type of study, qualitative or quantitative, experimental, correlational

How was the study carried out, Is it cross sectional or longitudinal?

What measures were used to quantify the variables in the study

Are the measures reliable and valid? Did the study explained the measures adequately?

3- What was the main effect, findings or results of the study?

Consider: Did the results support or reject the hypothesis (es)

How were the results analyzed and by what statistical procedure

Are the statistics, graphs, tables explained well? Did they provide any?

Are they appropriate for the group or age being studied

4 – What conclusion (s) was (were) drawn?

Consider: Can the results be generalized to similar or other situations or conditions

What other relevant issues need to be addressed based on past evidence of other studies (This will be indicated in the Introduction of the study)

Did they restate the results again in plain language and state whether they are consistent with the expected findings?

Was there an issue you think was overlooked by the researcher

Was there any limitations to the article that the authors have not discussed?

Can the study be replicable? Explain.

What is study implication? What are some future direction?

method of analysis, the conclusion…

Advice: Read the article more than once. Summarizing an article is not intuitive so it takes time to learn brevity, clarity, accuracy in three pages or less. This is important especially when summarizing longer articles. Please use critical thinking while writing.