I need help writing a literature review on a previously written proposal; "Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Mainstream Primary Education: An exploration of the Challenges and Consideration

This is the Dissertation Proposal (Please Note, I have edited it slightly from the Original you sent)

Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Mainstream Primary Education: An exploration of the Challenges and Considerations from the Perspective of Parents, Pupils and School Teachers Perspective


Inclusive education is acknowledged for its beneficial educational achievements and as a moral obligation to achieve the fundamental human right of every child to obtain a high-quality education that meets their needs. Inclusive education is a contested issue at all school levels, but proponents argue that it is rare to believe that certain disabled students have far too chronic disabled conditions to be included. This research is aimed at evaluating the perspectives of parents, students, and teachers to highlight the obstacles encountered in integrating children with disabilities into the mainstream education system while on the other hand analysing its merits in other to further foster practice. Despite the substantial progress made in recent years toward inclusive education for children with special educational needs in mainstream schools, implementation is hindered by a lack of parental and student participation, teacher shortage, and insufficient financing amongst other things. This issue is crucial in education because it affects children and families; therefore, it is essential to investigate the obstacles and factors that parents, students, and schools must consider to ensure that children with disabilities obtain the best education possible.

Title: This is a research proposal based on the Approach; Critical Analysis of 4 Key Sources with the title, Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Mainstream Primary Education: An Exploration of the Challenges and Considerations from the Perspective of Parents, pupils and School teachers.

Research Questions

These are the research questions that will guide this study.

RQ1: what are the barriers and opportunities of inclusion of children with SEND in a mainstream school?

RQ 2: What are the attitudes and beliefs of school teachers towards inclusion, and how do those attitudes affect teaching practices?

RQ 3: What training and school resources are needed by teachers to aid in educating children with special needs?

Literature Review

  1. History of special education and policy framework

This section of the literature review explores the historical development that shaped the current state of inclusion in mainstream education by relying on national and international reports. Furthermore, this section will connect historical reports on inclusive education and how it influenced the development of a legal framework that supports the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream education.

2. Challenges associated with Inclusive education

This section of the literature review will explore various factors that impact the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream education. The key theme in this section will be:-

  1. Teacher’s competence and knowledge on Inclusive education

  2. Parental perspective on their involvement in their children's education,

  3. Student perspective especially considering their voice

  4. Financing challenges

3. Attitudes and beliefs of school teachers toward inclusion

This section of the literature review will explore the attitude and perspective of the teacher toward inclusion and how these attitudes and beliefs influence teaching practice. The themes in these sections include

  1. Teacher capacity issues associated with a lack of necessary skill and training to be able to discharge their duties fully to meet the student-specific needs

  2. Resources and school challenges that impact school ability to support special needs education for SEND students. This area will be explored in depth as they affect the quality of education available to this special-needs student population.

4. Mainstream school and special Needs; significance for the pupil with SEND

This literature review section will explore several best practices recommended to address the challenges faced during inclusive education. The key theme that will shape this section of the literature review include

  1. Effective Strategies for facilitating the inclusion of children with Disabilities

  2. Impact of inclusion on pupils with SEND, which will concentrate on examining the literature on the impact of inclusion on the academic and social outcome of children with disabilities

5. Conclusion

This section will summarize the finding and proposal outlined in the four articles. Studies found that social climate in the classroom is a key factor in which the development of inclusive education is considered. Many factors contribute to the inclusive classroom but relational factors such as actions, norms and values, social interaction, and the learning process strongly influence inclusive education (Morley et al., 2021, p.401).

Methodology and Ethical Consideration

This research is aimed at gaining an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of including children with special educational needs in mainstream school settings by evaluating the perspectives of parents, teachers and students.

An interpretivist (Qualitative) research paradigm will be employed with secondary data being analyzed after being sampled from approved sources. This will be preceded with careful ethical considerations and approval. (Morley et al., 2005, p.84).

This paradigm has been adopted to enable a thorough, valid and reliable investigation considering the issues associated to positionality. The research will be approached by critically analyzing secondary quantitative data samples from four key sources which have made valid contributions to the discourse of mainstreaming and inclusion of special education needs students. Themes will be identified and coded during the data sampling for literature review, analysis of discussion and findings. The articles to be utilized in this research study used focus groups to collect information on parents' and teachers' experiences and perspectives toward inclusion (Rumrill Jr, Cook, and Stevenson, 2020). The Theoretical framework to be adopted in this research will be Right based framework; this is to enable analyses of inclusion from the viewpoint of social construct and consideration of the rights of the persons with disabilities and Critical pedagogy; this is to reflect thoroughly on the complexities of classroom and inclusion practices.



Atkins, L., 2016. Dis (en) abled: legitimating discriminatory practice in the name of inclusion?. British Journal of Special Education43(1), pp.6-21. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12123

Gierczyk, M. and Hornby, G., 2021. Twice-exceptional students: Review of implications for special and inclusive education. Education Sciences11(2), p.85..  https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11020085

Hellawell, B., 2017. A review of parent–professional partnerships and some new obligations and concerns arising from the introduction of the SEND Code of Practice 2015. British Journal of Special Education44(4), pp.411-430.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12185

Hewett, R., Douglas, G., McLinden, M., & Keil, S. (2017). Developing an inclusive learning environment for students with visual impairment in higher education: Progressive mutual accommodation and learner experiences in the United Kingdom. European journal of special needs education32(1), 89-109. https://doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2016.1254964

Hornby, G. and Hornby, G., 2014. Inclusive special education: The need for a new theory. Inclusive Special Education: Evidence-Based Practices for Children with Special Needs and Disabilities, pp.1-18..   https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12101

Knight, C., Clegg, Z., Conn, C., Hutt, M. and Crick, T., 2022. Aspiring to include versus implicit ‘othering’: teachers' perceptions of inclusive education in Wales. British Journal of Special Education49(1), pp.6-23. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12394

Minott, M., 2019. Reflective teaching, inclusive teaching and the teacher’s tasks in the inclusive classroom: A literary investigation. British Journal of Special Education46(2), pp.226-238.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12260

Norwich, B., 2014. Changing policy and legislation and its effects on inclusive and special education: a perspective from E ngland. British journal of special education41(4), pp.403-425.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12079

Nugent, M., 2018. Reframing inclusion: An exclusive–inclusive approach. British Journal of Special Education45(2), pp.141-156. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12214

Shaw, A., 2017. Inclusion: the role of special and mainstream schools. British Journal of Special Education44(3), pp.292-312.https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12181

Stewart, C. and Walker‐Gleaves, C., 2020. A narrative exploration of how curricula for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties shape and are shaped by the practices of their teachers. British journal of special education47(3), pp.350-375.https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12313


My Four key sources

Avissar, G., 2018. Partnerships between special and mainstream schools. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs18(3), pp.149-156. https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12401


Warnes, E., Done, E.J. and Knowler, H., 2022. Mainstream teachers’ concerns about inclusive education for children with special educational needs and disability in England under pre‐pandemic conditions. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs22(1), pp.31-43.https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12525 ( APPROVED)

Paseka, A. and Schwab, S., 2020. Parents’ attitudes towards inclusive education and their perceptions of inclusive teaching practices and resources. European Journal of Special Needs Education35(2), pp.254-272. DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2019.1665232


Ní Bhroin, Ó. and King, F., 2020. Teacher education for inclusive education: a framework for developing collaboration for the inclusion of students with support plans. European Journal of Teacher Education43(1), pp.38-63. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02619768.2019.1691993?needAccess=true&role=button


Thinking, Maybe to add This to make it Four again

  • Knight, C., Clegg, Z., Conn, C., Hutt, M. and Crick, T., 2022. Aspiring to include versus implicit ‘othering’: teachers' perceptions of inclusive education in Wales. British Journal of Special Education49(1), pp.6-23. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8578.12394

This is the Merged key sources