Assessment TraitsRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description Your boss was happy with your data collection plan to identify contributions of employees and offer them equitable rewards for their contribu

Assessment TraitsRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description Your boss was happy with your data collection plan to identify contributions of employees and offer them equitable rewards for their contribu 1

College of Doctoral Studies

RES-831 Alignment Table

Directions: Use this to complete the course assignments that require this table. The table will expand as you type information into the cells. Refer to either the GCU quantitative or qualitative dissertation template for additional information on each of the required research components.

 Problem Statement:

<Enter a declarative problem statement. Use appropriate quantitative or qualitative language to align with the selected methodology.>

Purpose Statement:

<Enter a single sentence that states the study purpose. Use appropriate quantitative or qualitative language to align with the selected methodology.>

Research Questions: 

<Enter at least two research questions. Use appropriate quantitative or qualitative language to align with the selected methodology.>

Methodology & Justification:

<This section must be at least 250 words. Enter a clear statement of the methodology (quantitative or qualitative) and a rationale for choosing that methodology. Include a rationale for not choosing the other methodology. The rationale must include appropriate in-text citations from seminal experts in the methodology. At least one citation for each methodology is required. >

Note: A valid rationale is not that the assignment required or forbade this methodology.


<Enter a logical discussion of the feasibility of pursuing the study using the selected methodology.>

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