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Part 1– Strategic Audit Paper – BUAD 455

Assumptions:  In this project, imagine that you (students) are highly paid consultants for the assigned company.  The consultant‘s task is to carefully audit the strategy of a major corporation and prepare a formal report and give a formal presentation.  This paper is written for executives of a company who will use this information to decide about strategy formulation, implementation, evaluation, and control process of their firm.  These executives are relying on this research to make decisions for their companies.  The writing style is formal.  All tables and figures have to have a number and a title.  Avoid using “my paper,” “I,” and similar terms.  Be specific, direct, and to the point.  Avoid unclear, obvious, general, incorrect, and unsubstantiated personal views.  All facts have to be supported by research and footnotes.  Use the outline format.  Use sentences rather than one word to describe situations.  The following are guidelines for writing your Strategic Audit, and it is a modified version taken from your textbook.


Paper - Guidelines and template


·      This paper will be a component of your strategic audit,

·      This is an individual paper, not a group paper,

·      Keep the titles and subtitles as it is given in this format,

·      Answer the questions under each topic before writing your paper.  Use your answers for explanations of the titles and subtitles (the body of your paper.)  are contents of the strategic audit.  Include this information in the body of your paper; however, you may not have an answer to all questions. 

  • Do not write in the form of question and answer.  These questions are used to show the content of the paper.

  • Remove all instructions from your paper. Your paper will be a formal report.

  • Write this paper in an outline format but with complete sentences. 

  • Use the same titles that are used in this paper, and it is identified in yellow.



This is the start of part 1 for your case analysis.

I. History and Background information about the company



Identify the timetable of important events in the company.  Include events that resulted in changing the strategy or structure of the company. (not more than ½ page)


II.     Current Situation

  1. Current Performance


How did the corporation perform in the past year?  Include overall financial performance in terms of return on investment, market share, and profitability? 


B.    Strategic Posture


What are the corporation’s current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies?

Indicate if they are clearly stated, or are they barely implied from the performance?


  1. Mission:  Research the mission statement of your case.  State it in this part of the paper. If you copy the mission statement, make sure to show your source plus use quotation for it (“…”)


  1. Objectives: What are the corporate, business, and functional objectives?  List 3 objectives. Are they consistent with each other, with the mission, and with the internal and external environments?


  1. Strategies: What strategy or a mix of strategies is the corporation following?  List 3 strategies. Are they consistent with each other, with the mission and objectives, and internal and external environments?


  1. Policies: What is the major policy (ies)?  Are they consistent with each other, with the mission, objectives, strategies, and internal and external environments? (one paragraph)


  1. Do the current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies reflect the corporation’s international operations-whether global or multi-domestic?



III.   Corporate Governance

Limit this part to 5 executives for this class only.


Identify the major board of directors and top management and provide a brief background about their demographic and experience. (less than one page)




    1. External Environment: Opportunities and Threats   (Part of SWOT Analysis)


The following factors are from outside the corporation and have an impact on the operation of the organization.  In most situations, the corporation has little or no control over these factors.  Information in this part is based on the review of industries, literature, and available facts through statistical sources.  Do not answer in questions and answer format. Find an answer to as many questions as related to your case.  You do not have to answer all questions if it is not related to your case.   Use an outline format with complete sentences rather than one word. Try to find an answer to as many questions as possible.  Be specific, to the point, support with facts, and avoid lecturing.  All sources have to be identified by footnotes. Use APA format.


A.   Societal Environment

  1. What general environment forces are currently affecting both the corporation and the industries in which it competes?  Which present current or future threats?  Opportunities?

For each title below, list the trends, footnote it, and use your analysis to indicate which one is future threats and opportunities.  Show these titles in your paper.

  1. Economic trends ( list trends and explain if each trend is an opportunity or threat)




  1. Technological  trends




  1. Political-legal trends




  1. Socio-cultural trends




  1. Are these forces different in other regions of the world?


B.  Task Environment


What forces drive industry competition?  Are these forces the same globally, or do they vary from country to country?  Include the Relative power of unions, governments, special interest groups, etc.

Identify five competitive forces and analyze them:


  1. The threat of new entrants

  2. Bargaining power of buyers

  3. The threat of substitute products or services

  4. Bargaining power of suppliers

  5. Rivalry among competing firms


What key factors in the immediate environment (that is, customers, competitors, suppliers, creditors, labor unions, governments, trade associations, interest groups, local communities, and shareholders) currently affect the corporation?  Which are current or future threats?  Opportunities?


List all opportunities and threats that are facing the organization and provide explanations.  List them in order of their impacts.


Show “Strategic Group” analysis.


Show Table of External Environment and explain highlights of the table.


Summary of External Factors

Which of these forces and factors are the most important to the corporation and the industries it competes w