Need access to these items in order to do the assignment which is attached IEPs: Guide to Writing Individualized Education Programs. 4th Ed. Gibb & Taylor, 2022, Pearson Maine State Special Ed
Create a Google Doc titled [Last Name] Module Six IEP Practice SED 682 Summer 23 #1120
The document will have the following format using these headings:
Step One: PLAAFP for Samuel
1A: Samuel can add and subtract one- digit numbers. He can say simple sentences. He can identify things like his backpack. He can independently use the bathroom and can follow requests of two-steps. Samuel cannot add or subtract more than one number. He cannot compose sentences. He cannot place things into his backpack. He cannot button his pants and does not wash hands. He does not wait his turn and interrupts his friends. Samuel needs to understand properties of mathematics to be able to add and subtract more than one digit. With adult support Samuel should develop writing and social skills.
1B: Error in Kingston’s PLAAFP is that there is a can-do statement but no cannot do. We need more information about the skills in order to correct this. Error in Evangeline’s PLAAFP is that there is information that does not need to be included. Her PLAAFP talks about her penmanship, which does not need to be included. Error in McCoy’s PLAAFP is the description does not have enough information. They are discussing his social skills and behavioral skills but there is barely any information on either skill.
Step One Reflection: I think I did pretty well with 1A. I touched on most of what the appendix answers showed. I did not list the standards for what I talked about, which I should have known to do, because I have been doing these all year as case manager. For Samuel’s writing I failed to mention that he should plan, revise and edit his writing and that he should improve his self-help skills in order to wash his hands and be able to button his pants when he leaves the bathroom. As Far as 1B goes, I was able to pick out what was wrong in each PLAAFP but feel I should have added more information for each. For example, I could have provided for Kingston an example of a correct can do statement. For Evangeline, I could have provided a statement talking about her reading skills. And lastly for McCoy, I could have stated how his behaviors are a problem in his academics, which is important.
Step Two
2A: PLAAFP for Maddie- Conditions: When given a grocery list with five or fewer items and a $10.00 bill Behavior: Maddie will select and purchase Criteria: all the items on the list with fewer than five prompts Generalization: in three different grocery stores Maintenance: over a three-week period
PLAAFP for Suraj- Conditions: When directed by the teacher to be seated Behavior: Suraj will sit quietly at his desk Criteria: within 60 seconds 90% of instances Generalization: in each of his classes Maintenance: over a six-week period
Page 81-81 2B:
Page 83 2C:
Step Two Reflection:
Page 89-90 Step Three:
Step Three Reflection:
Page 103 Step Four:
Step Four Reflection:
Page 108-109 Step Five:
Step Five Reflection:
Page 113-114 Step Six
Step Six Reflection:
Page 126-127 Step 7:
Step Seven Reflection: