I need a book review: Common Sense Economics 3RD 16 Read: Gwartney, Stroup, Lee, Ferrarini, & Calhoun: pp. 5 – 19 Read: Gwartney, Stroup, Lee, Ferrarini, & Calhoun: pp. 30 – 37, 49 – 103 Read:

PPOG 502

Book Review Assignment Instructions


The purpose of the book review assignments is to evaluate students’ overall understanding of the concepts and themes of the assigned texts. As the books are not collections of facts, but are expressions of the economic way of thinking, students are expected to demonstrate that they understand the economic concepts the authors are trying to get across to readers. A good review will go beyond a simple summary, but should show the ability to assess the books as well. Finally, students should show that they are able to apply the concepts in the books to current policy issues.


After reading the assigned chapters in the Gwartney et al. and Sowell books, students will write 2 reviews summarizing and evaluating the assigned chapters in each book. Students may include summaries and evaluation of unassigned material at their own discretion.

Students should spend approximately one third of each paper summarizing the book, another third evaluating the book using economic thinking and Christian ethical principles, and the last third applying the readings from the book to current public policy problems. Application to problems not mentioned in the readings is encouraged but not required. Agreement with all parts of the two books is not required, but if students mention in their reviews any objections to the arguments in the books, these objections should be supported by careful reasoning, using sound economics and biblical principles.

Reviews must be in current APA format and must include complete citations of the textbook and any additional sources. A minimum of 2 scholarly sources must be cited according to current APA format. No more than 20 percent of the reviews may consist of direct quotations from the reviewed book. Reviews below the minimum length of 1,200 words or over the maximum of 1,500 words will be subject to a reduction in points.