Need access to these items in order to do the assignment which is attached IEPs: Guide to Writing Individualized Education Programs. 4th Ed. Gibb & Taylor, 2022, Pearson Maine State Special Ed
Create a Google Doc titled [Last Name] Module Six IEP Practice SED 682 Summer 23 #1120
The document will have the following format using these headings:
Step One: PLAAFP for Samuel
1A: Samuel can add and subtract one- digit numbers. He can say simple sentences. He can identify things like his backpack. He can independently use the bathroom and can follow requests of two-steps. Samuel cannot add or subtract more than one number. He cannot compose sentences. He cannot place things into his backpack. He cannot button his pants and does not wash hands. He does not wait his turn and interrupts his friends. Samuel needs to understand properties of mathematics to be able to add and subtract more than one digit. He can do this with place value. With adult support Samuel should develop writing and social skills.
1B: Error in Kingston’s PLAAFP is that there is a can do statement but no cannot do. We need more information about the skills in order to correct this.
Error in Evangeline’s PLAAFP is that there is information that does not need to be included. Her PLAAFP talks about her penmanship, which does not need to be included. Penmanship is unrelated to the skill we are interested in which is reading.
Error in McCoy’s PLAAFP is that the description does not have enough information. They are discussing his social skills and behavioral skills but there is barely any information on either skill. It would be helpful to know what behavior we are worried about, is it yelling or talking out of turn? Does McCoy this behavior hinder his academic performance?
Step One Reflection: I think I did pretty well with 1A. I touched on most of what the appendix answers showed. I did not list the standards for what I talked about, which I should have known to do, because I have been doing these all year as case manager. For Samuel’s writing I failed to mention that he should plan, revise and edit his writing and that he should improve his self-help skills in order to wash his hands and be able to button his pants when he leaves the bathroom. As Far as 1B goes, I was able to pick out what was wrong in each PLAAFP but feel I should have
Step Two
2A: Maddie- Condition:When given a grocery list with less than 5 items and $10.00…Behavior: Maddie will select and purchase…Criteria: all of the items on a list with less than 5 prompts…Generalization: in 3 different grocery stores…Maintenance: over a three week period
Suraj- Condition:When asked by a teacher to sit down…Behavior: Suraj will sit at his desk quietly…Criteria: within 60 seconds in 4 out of 5 instances…Generalization: in all classes…Maintenance: over a 6 week period.
Step Two Reflection:
Step Three: Measuring Mikiah’s Goals: Measurement Method: A skill checklist- I think and use this regularly to track progress and to see if a student has met their goals.
Measuring Alonzo’s Goals: Measurement Method: Formal Assessment or Curriculum Based- I think Formal Assessment or Curriculum have more choices so that would be best for Alonzo.
Step Three Reflection: I thought Alonzo’s Goals were harder to pick a measurement method for. I did fine with Mikiah’s and was on track compared to the answers in the back of the book.
Step Four: 1.Special Education Services for Cadence- Cadence needs services in both regular and special education classes. She need SDI
2. What related services does Cadence require- Cadence should also receive Speech
3.What supplementary services in the regular education classroom does Cadence require?- I think that Cadence could benefit from a 1-1 support person.
4. What program modifications and supports do Cadence’s teachers require?- I think more training would be needed
5.What special factors did the IEP team choose?- Language because she is getting Speech services
6.Explain why you think the team recommended these services- I think all of these services will help Cadence meet her goals that will be stated in her IEP.
Step Four Reflection: I was able to determine that Cadence needed SDI in both regular and special classrooms and I was accurate in determining she should also receive Speech services. In number three I put a 1-1 for Cadence but the answer section specifies it as a paraeducator. I did not talk about where she would need this person, but the appendix stated she only needs them in the regular education classroom. In number four I did not talk about consultative services only training. Consultation services would be great for both teachers and paraeducators to have for Cadence’s needs. In numbers 5 and 6 I was pretty accurate in my reasonings for special factors and why the team chose the services they did.
Step Five: Boston- Does require a statement of nonparticipation- His statement should say something like The student will participate in the regular class, extracurricular, and non-academic activities except as noted.
Asher- Does not require a statement of nonparticipation.
Step Five Reflection: I should have noted a nonparticipation statement for Boston and not just said as noted. Being more specific is best. Asher was easy because he did not need a statement.
Step Six-
Step Six Reflection:
Step 7: Josh’s Transition Goals
Josh would benefit from Training to reach his goal, Employment- Josh would need a job to meet this goal, and Independent Living Skills- Josh would need help with getting to and from work.
Post-Secondary Education is not mentioned in Josh’s IEP so we do not need to consider this at this time. This goal is about a job so we do not need to consider daily living.
Step Seven Reflection: Transition goals are one of my favorite things to write so I was pretty comfortable with doing this. I chose some different wording than that of the book but I think the meaning of my words was still the same.