The goal of the Leadership Project Proposal is to explore and creatively plan nursing strategies toward the alleviation of a health care problem by demonstrating professional nursing leadership skills

Title of Paper (Mid-Term)

Student Name

NUR4827C Nursing Leadership & Management

Due Date of Assignment

Title of PaperThe goal of the Leadership Project Proposal is to explore and creatively plan nursing strategies toward the alleviation of a health care problem by demonstrating professional nursing leadership skills 1

Follow the instructions for the assignment. Include the introduction in this section. This is the section where the writer prepares the reader for the content. Include a Description of how the project was developed and the date of instructor approval and the quality improvement techniques used to identify the problem. Also, include the approved PICOT question. Finally, the last line of the introduction prepares the reader for what they can expect to read in this paper. Do not title this section “introduction.” Use APA 7th edition formatting for the entire paper. Specific guidelines are Times New Roman, 12- point font, double spaced, black ink, 1” margins, pay attention to headers and when to make headers bold and positioning on the paper, Do Not include an abstract, Paragraphs should be indented 0.5”, the body should be aligned left, Change the title and elements of the cover page to reflect your paper. Use the MEAL plan to write the paragraphs (see more information about this after the reference section).

Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the instructor’s instructions and yellow highlights. The paper should not be in italics.

Review of Literature

Write the first section of the paper here. Example: The American Nurses Association (n.d.) provides general guidelines regarding reproductive health. Specifically, the rights of the client regarding decision-making and privacy and the obligation of the nurse to provide safe care highlight the ANA’s position (2010). Keep going with your writing…. The review of literature includes history of the process application, nursing theory, and change theory.

Relevance of the Problem (you decide the level 2 headers)

The problem begins with…..

Nursing Theory (don’t have a header on the page without at least two lines of paragraph)

The nursing theory that best supports the project…

Change Theory

The change theory supporting the change process is…

Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics. And so forth

Project Description

Write the second section of the paper here. This is the section for the student to remind the reader of the problem, outline the goal(s) desired, explain the course of the change, comment on the sustainability of the project, and describe the evaluation process with an evaluation tool (appendix). Use separate paragraphs for multiple ideas under the same heading. Consider separating the different sections with second level. Example:

Reproductive health extends beyond the borders of the nation. In this section, the ANA’s position is compared and contrasted with the World Health Organization ([WHO], n.d.) position on reproduction. Kabra et al. (2016) stated, WHO “aims to strengthen health research in low and middle income countries” aimed at women’s reproductive health (p. 549)…

Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics. And so forth

Project Goal(s)

The desired project goal is to improve safety …..

Timeline of the Project

Implementation of the project includes …..

Sustainable Change

The project supports change by ….

Evaluation Process

The project is evaluated through….

Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics.

Implications and Conclusions

Write the fourth section of the paper here. Discuss the impact on the nursing profession and conclusions about the topic. This is a nursing course after all. Support your conclusions. Use separate paragraphs for multiple ideas under the same heading. Consider separating separate sections with second level headers.

Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the instructor’s instructions. It should not be in italics.


Nurses will benefit from this change by….


Include a summary of the project and overall need for the project. Include a reference to the PICOT question.


American Nurses Association. (n.d.). ANA official position statements.

American Nurses Association. (2010). Reproductive health.

Kabra, R., Ali, M., Gulmezoglu, A. M., & Say, L. (2016). Research capacity for sexual and reproductive health and rights. World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 94(7), 549-550.

Important reminders about references:

The reference list begins on a new page

The reference list is organized alphabetically using the family name of the first author

Use a hanging indent paragraph style for reference list items

Use all the authors’ names in the order in which they are presented in the publication

Review citations in the APA 7th ed. Manual

Ask questions!!

Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove all of the instructor’s instructions.

A MEAL paragraph is a format that helps guide the writer in literary analysis writing. It is an acronym for: Main Idea - the paragraph's central focus, what you are trying to prove within the paragraph. Evidence - examples that help prove the main idea (and, in a longer paper, the thesis). Analysis - This section is the most important part of the paragraph; it is where the writer digs deep into the evidence and explains how and why it proves the thesis. Transcend what the quotation, or any other from of evidence, says and explain connections that you personally come up with. REMEMBER: EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY!!! Last Thought/Linking Sentence - If you're just writing a paragraph, use this sentence to restate the Main Idea (in a different way!) and wrap up your thoughts. For a longer paper, connect your main idea back to your paper's thesis. Sometimes teachers will tell you to transition to the next paragraph's idea.

Once you have written your paper, make sure the font color is black and remove these instructions.