Business, Government, and Society: For this project assignment, you will compile all of your previous assignments and add an executive summary to the beginning of the project. To write this unit’s par

Analysis of Apple Company

Analysis of Apple Company

Part 1: Apple company selection

The background

Apple Company has been selected for this part, an international organization that develops, designs, manufactures, and retails technological products like software and electronics such as Smartphones and computers. (Podolny & Hansen 2020). Some popular products from the company include the iPhone, Mac computers, watches, and iPads. The company also develops its software and applications, making it the most significant competitor of Android and Windows. Other services include cloud computing and the current investment in the automotive industry. Its current headquarters are located in Cupertino, United States.

From a global perspective, Apple has remained the most profitable organization due to its unique features. The company has been recognized for continuous improvement and ensuring customers access the latest technology. Apple continuously researches and develops new features to improve customer's life, thus creating an innovative culture. From a global perspective, Apple is recognized for its premium pricing, where products are relatively more expensive than competitors. However, most people are willing to pay more for better quality products, unlike the cheap knock-offs from China.

The company has both internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include workers and stakeholders. Apple ensures proper treatment of workers and ensuring conducive working conditions. Additionally, Apple hires people from all backgrounds, for example, by ensuring that women, blacks, and disabled people are included in their workforce, thus fostering diversity. Continuous training and innovative culture among employees ensure quality product delivery. (Tien, 2019). The company ensures stakeholders receive value by remaining the most profitable globally and ensuring customers' needs and experiences are valued throughout production.

The external stakeholders include the government, communities, suppliers, and customers. They are represented by ensuring high-quality product features remain competitive and meet customer expectations. The difference between internal and external stakeholders is that internal stakeholders have a direct relationship with the organization, for example, the owner's investors or employees. External does not have a relation, although they are affected by results and activities of the organization like quality and ethics during production.

The stakeholder relation is essential since it affects the company's success, image, and reputation. For example, employees ensure customer needs and expectations are met through an innovative culture. The evidence of stakeholder relation can be found in the annual reports, which are used as feedback approaches; they give details about the company's sustainability, diversity, financial performance, and environmental concerns. An example of a program is "Today at Apple," where the company offers employees nationwide resources and an education platform for improving innovativeness and customers interacting with employees to establish better relationships.

Part 2

For this part, we will analyze the social performance and power process at Apple Company. There will be an evaluation of types of power, how to democratically use power and its relationship with the mission statement. There will be an evaluation of corporate social responsibility and its assessment. There are different types of power used in the company, although the major one is economic power, which has helped improve financial and market share. Through technology power, the company has a brand influence and has developed superior products over competitors, influencing customer supper despite the premium pricing. (Hsu et al. 2021). The company has demonstrated a responsible use of power by encouraging sustainability, equal representation among employees, and maintaining user privacy.

The company's mission statement is "bringing the best user experience to customers," which has been achieved through delivering customer-centric features and being responsible for the environment through using renewable energy and recycling. The company's products are accessible to people with disabilities, which ensures social inclusivity. The company has a CSR activity called "supplier responsibility program," focusing on responsible and ethical practices throughout the supply chain, including following labor standards, auditing, and being ethical when sourcing suppliers.

The company can assess the supplier's responsibility for CSR activity through continuous auditing and providing transparency reports relating to ethical sourcing, training suppliers, and following labor regulations. The company can also collect data from suppliers to ensure their program is applied to meet their needs and expectations. The management program supporting CSR includes following environmental concerns and sustainability during investment in renewable energy sources, recycling, and designing energy-efficient products. (Green, 2023). Since the company has massive resources, they can be used to support governments in meeting environmental concerns and developing an effective team. Following the environmental concerns, carbon footprints will be reduced gradually because different governments are ensuring companies like Apple reuse products and use renewable power sources like wind and solar power in running their costs.


In conclusion, apple is an international company that manufactures electronics and software; it has been recognized for superior quality and customer-friendly productions. Although there is a premium pricing, customers are willing to pay due to a positive reputation. Apple has invested in one hundred percent renewable energy sources to meet government regulations and remain ethical. The CSR programs are geared towards ensuring the needs of the stakeholders are met without compromising the quality.


Green, S. (2023). Apple. Bellwether Media.

Hsu, T. H., Her, S. T., Chang, Y. H., & Hou, J. J. (2021). The Application of an Innovative Marketing Strategy MADM Model—SIVA-Need: A Case Study of Apple Company. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies13(1), 33-68.

Podolny, J. M., & Hansen, M. T. (2020). How Apple is organized for innovation. Harvard Business Review98(6), 86-95.

Tien, N. H. (2019). International distribution policy comparative analysis between Samsung and Apple. International journal of research in marketing management and sales2020(1), 2.