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Reasearch project 1

Research Topic, Problem Statement, and Main Research Question

Tannia Rodriguez


Research Topic, Problem Statement, and Main Research Question

The topic of focus in the research paper is “healthcare access disparities in underserved communities.” The purpose of utilizing this topic is to focus on exploring unequal access to healthcare services among underserved communities, especially those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and geographically isolated. Disparities in healthcare access are usually influenced by availability, affordability, and quality. These factors determine whether people in a community can afford healthcare and whether it will be of high or low quality. The topic relates to the field of healthcare as it presents a challenge for healthcare leaders in how they are going to organize the resources at their disposal to achieve healthcare equity. At its core, healthcare administration wants to improve healthcare outcomes, and addressing disparities aligns with this goal.

The problem with the topic described above is that healthcare disparities in underserved populations contribute to poor healthcare outcomes. Therefore, the research is focused on identifying the root causes of these disparities and developing effective solutions that lead to health equity. The topic also recognizes that the problems contributing to healthcare disparities range from socio-economic factors to geographical barriers, inadequate resource distribution, and gaps in health insurance coverage. Exploring the complexities of the problem will provide insight into potential solutions that will increase healthcare access among underserved communities.

The research will employ a qualitative design, which requires the collection and analysis of subjective information or non-numerical data. Qualitative analysis is suited to this research as it will facilitate the exploration of the complex factors around health disparities and allow for a nuanced understanding of potential solutions. The main research question that the research project will seek to answer is: “What are the key determinants of healthcare access disparities in underserved communities, and how can these disparities be effectively mitigated?”

An article that supports the topic is by Wesson et al. (2019), who acknowledge the existence of disparities among underserved communities and emphasize the importance of eliminating them. Notably, the authors focus on addressing the disparities by fostering collaboration and building and sustaining trust between health systems and underserved communities.


Wesson, D. E., Lucey, C. R., & Cooper, L. A. (2019). Building Trust in health systems to eliminate health disparities. JAMA, 322(2), 111. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2019.1924