Course: Capstone: Business Strategies Week 4 Discussion Briefly review the market model that you believe best fits your firm, and then describe at least three implications of that market model for


Strategic Analysis of IBM's Transformation


Keiser University

MBA 699/Capstone Business Strategies

Dr. Racquel Thompson-Elliott


Organizational Profile and Organizational Situation
  1. Organizational Description

    • Type of organization (e.g., non-profit)

    • Operating environment

    • Organizational relationships and stakeholders

  1. Organizational Situation

    • Competitive environment

    • Strategic challenges and advantages

    • Performance improvement system

  1. Leadership Triad: Leadership; Governance and Societal Responsibilities

    • Evaluate leadership system and senior leaders

    • Describe governance and oversight processes

    • Address approach to ethics and legal compliance

    • Address approach to corporate citizenship and support of key communities

  1. Strategic Situation

    • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT)

    • Strategic challenges and advantages

    • Performance improvement system goals and action plans

  1. Customer Engagement

  • Major customer segments and requirements

  • Mechanisms for customer listening and learning

  • Customer experience and relationship management approaches

  1. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management

  • Performance measurement systems

  • Organizational performance review system

  • Use of data and information to support daily operations

  1. Workforce Engagement

  • Workforce capabilities, development needs

  • Workforce climate, engagement, and development approaches

  1. Operations Focus

  • Work processes and operational effectiveness improvement

  • Supplier/partner/collaborator/operations requirements

  1. Results

  • Competitive performance results

  • Customer-focused results

  • Financial and marketplace performance results

  • Workforce-focused results

  • Governance and societal responsibility results

  1. Reflection on Implementation


Breese, J. L., Park, S. J., & Vaidyanathan, G. (2019). Blockchain Technology Adoption in Supply Change Management: Two Theoretical Perspectives. Issues in Information Systems, 20(2).

Cortada, J. W. (2019). IBM: The rise and fall and reinvention of a global icon. MIT Press.


Mohd, I. H., Julan, J., & Besar, T. B. H. T. (2020). Strategic training and development: the impact on employees’ performance. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 5(2), 80-84.

Strickland, E. (2019). IBM Watson, heal thyself: How IBM overpromised and underdelivered on AI health care. IEEE Spectrum, 56(4), 24-31.