Discussion Questions: 1. The Administrative Simplification Compliance Act of 2001 requires that all Medicare claims be submitted electronically. Discuss at least two (2) vulnerabilities in the protect


Legislative Initiative

Name of student

Name of Institution



Majority Leader

House of Senate

United States of America

Dear Representative

I am writing to you as a constituent and a Family Nurse Practitioner/graduate student regarding the Graduate Nurse Practitioner ( GNP) Program which is funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration and administered through the Bureau of Health Workforce. I am writing to urge your support for an 8.9 million FY2015 appropriation for the GNP Program, the nation’s only federal program dedicated solely to the education and training of master-level Nurse practitioners.

The GNP Program provides funds to accredited universities and internship sites through a competitive grant process to support the interprofessional training of psychologists who work with underserved population(eg, oler adults, children,rural persons, individual with chronic illness, victims of abuse and trauma , veterans and their families). This funding supports the training of graduate nursing students to provide services to communities ( rural and urban) who have little or no access to mental and behavioral health services.

For example, in our local community GNP funding is making a significant difference for older adults, who constitute 13% of our state’s population. Through the GNP Program, Nurse Practitioner Graduate students provide supervised mental and behavioral services to the elderly in hospital clinics, nursing homes, and homeless shelters. This unique grant program is in fact, enabling critically needed primary care services to be delivered to underserved populations all across the country.

I urge you to support the Graduate Nurse Practitioner Program, which benefits so many underserved people, especially those in rural communities. If you or your staff would like additional information regarding this grant or the GNP Program, please contact me directly. I look forward to keeping you informed about our progress and working with your office in the future. ,


At the moment, the current pending legislative initiatives are the agency and contractual elements initiative (Da Costa et al., 2020). As stated by Mikva et al., (2022), the initiative states that a principal is any person who has the legal capacity to carry out an act. For instance, a person who is not of sound mind. The government agencies, corporations, and NGOs are all termed as principals who can hire agents. In this case, Meck (2020) an agent is any person who is qualified to comprehend an act.

Da Costa et al., (2020), the principal-agent relationship is an entity that lawfully appoints another to act on its behalf. In such a relationship, the agent acts on behalf of the principal. The agent should not have a conflict of interest while working on the act. In this situation, the relationship that is formed between agent and principal is known as an Agency since its law has established the guidelines for the relationship. As illustrated by Mikva et al., (2022), the formal terms of this principal-agent relationship are known as a contract. For instance, when an investor pays for shares of a fund, then it is termed as an index fund since the investor is the principal when the person managing the fund is a known agent. In this situation, the agent has the right to manage the investor’s funds which are made up of various principals’ assets in a way that maximizes returns for a certain level of risk (Meck 2020).

The type of contract made between the principal and the agent is known as the contract of the principle. Da Costa et al., (2020), the contract enables the principal to authorize somebody to carry out his or her roles for a given period. The assigned roles may either be general for instance to carry out various transactions or specific purposes for instance buying land or any property (Mikva et al., 2022). In this case, an agency relationship is centered on an informal agreement. However, it can also be through a formal agreement, and in some situations, the relationship can be specified through writing. All the acts must be legal for instance, the principal is not allowed to hire an agent to destroy property or finish the life of a person.

As illustrated by Da Costa et al., (2020), the principal-agent relationship is a situation whereby the agent acts on behalf of the principal. In this case, the agent assumes all the obligation of loyalty to the principal. The agent neither negligently nor intentionally acts improperly. The agent should not be biased or take advantage of any opportunity that the agency is not covering (Mikva et al., 2022). Consequently, the principal should repose trust and confidence in the agent.

When an employer hires a new employee he or she is starting a new relationship in the organization. The relationship automatically builds because employers and employees work in close quarters for the sake of the success of the organization. As stated by Meck (2020), a strong relationship in an organization leads to increased productivity and employee happiness.

An independent contract is a person who is contracted to work for another person using various methods (Da Costa et al., 2020). Besides, a contractor is subjected to another’s control by what is stated in the binding agreement. An independent contractor is assigned specific duties for a given period.

Mikva et al., (2022), believe that this kind of working relationship in an organization is termed a flexible one and it tends to give more advantages to the independent contractor as well as the principal who in this case is the employer. However, there are many demerits regarding this kind of relationship since the decisions to either work or get hired must be scrutinized. Boundaries should be clearly defined between the employees and the independent contractors.

In conclusion, it is important to note that in many cases, folic and detour do occur when an agent departs from the contract they signed with the principal. Either part that is the principal and agent can always terminate the contract when things are not working properly. However, the contract agreement clearly defined how such termination should be carried out.

Yours faithfully

Concerned Citizen


Da Costa, J. P., Mouneyrac, C., Costa, M., Duarte, A. C., & Rocha-Santos, T. (2020). The role of legislation, regulatory initiatives, and guidelines on the control of plastic pollution. Frontiers in Environmental Science8, 104.

Meck, S. (Ed.). (2020). Growing smart legislative guidebook: Model statutes for planning and the management of change. Routledge.

Mikva, A. J., Lane, E., Gerhardt, M. J., & Hemel, D. J. (2022). Legislative process. Aspen Publishing.