Students will develop a deeper understanding of a psychology topic from a cross-cultural lens and connect the topic to a United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). You may wish to read Be


Causes of People’s Biases of People of Varying Cultural Backgrounds

Roger Ince

University of Baltimore

PSYC 435.001 FA23

Dr. Sharon Glazer

September 1, 2023

Assignment: Pre-Analysis

Thank you for including a title page! I enjoyed reading your thoughts on culture. I look forward to seeing you extend and develop them as the class unfolds.


Causes of People’s Biases of People of Varying Cultural Backgrounds

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Culture can be implied or referred to as having a distinctive arrangement of values, beliefs, practices, customs, and ways of behaving that describe a specific gathering . It can include language, customs, religion, and other different components that shapes their character. People's attitudes, behavior and actions are influenced by how they perceive and interpret the world around them, which is shaped by culture. The connection between culture and individuals is significant, as culture shapes people's viewpoints, social relationships, and feelings of having a place. It adds to the arrangement of tendencies, as people may unwittingly foster inclinations and biases given their social childhood and openness to various social foundations. Understanding this connection is essential in tending to predispositions and cultivating multifaceted comprehension.

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Three factors that work with a comprehension of social contrasts and shared traits are verifiable settings , correspondence styles, and accepted practices. Values' historical context reveal their origins and the reasons for their existence . Correspondence styles envelop verbal and nonverbal signs, explaining how thoughts are conveyed across societies. Everyday practices characterize satisfactory ways of behaving, helping with measuring cultural assumptions. Embracing these variables encourages regard for social variety by featuring the wealth of different viewpoints and dispersing generalizations. This understanding supports receptiveness, sympathy, and powerful, multifaceted connections, sustaining a worldwide local area that qualities and celebrates contrasts while perceiving shared human encounters.

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Societies associate in complicated ways, molding people through different cycles . Social dissemination spreads convictions and works on, presenting new points of view . Assimilation includes embracing components of another culture while keeping up with personality . Social trade cultivates compassion and shared encounters. Diverse worldviews emerge due to these interactions' influence on attitudes, values, and actions. They can haste personality battles or crossover characters that reflect combined societies. The mind-boggling interchange between societies shapes people by testing beliefs and developing a rich cross-stitch of human variety and understanding.

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I am especially interested in " cooperation versus independence" in multifaceted brain research. How cultural values influence behavior, relationships, and decision-making could be revealed by examining how societies place a higher value on individual autonomy (individualism) or group harmony (collectivism), two approaches to society . Understanding this dynamic could reveal insight into social varieties in correspondence, administration styles, and compromise. It would enhance my cognizance of how assorted societies explore social elements and add to advancing common comprehension and regard in an undeniably interconnected worldwide society.