Please respond to a minimum of two (2) peers. Consider the following when replying; What are some positive or negative aspects of the model of nursing care as described by your peer?What other models


Consider the various patient care delivery models.

There are five traditional care delivery models, not including the future models: team, functional, private duty, case management, and primary (Herzing University, n.d.).  Each care delivery model varies slightly and is effective in different clinical settings.

Describe the method used on your unit or within your clinical setting.

Primary nursing is the method used within my hospice clinical setting.  As the name describes, there is a primary RN manager for the patient’s entire plan of care 24/7 (Herzing University, n.d.).  As an associate nurse, when the case manager is not on duty, I follow the care plan but adjust and collaborate with the interdisciplinary team as needed.  For example, when I go out for symptom management and uncontrolled pain after hours, I collaborate with the hospice medical director on call and update the case manager the following date to reassess or ensure the comfort of the changes to the POC.  Additionally, after hour calls for a patient who is a frequent faller, I’ll complete my assessment and add more frequent safety checks, order a fall mat, and obtain an order for an anxiolytic at bedtime; again, I collaborate with the MD and notify the case manager the following day. 

Compare and contrast it with the models from your readings.  Is it the same?

Team nursing is like primary nursing as it involves group communication; there’s one team leader and associates.  Other than assigning a home health aide assignment, team nursing doesn’t make separate assignments for the other associate RNs and LPNs who see their patients.  Both require extensive knowledge and collaboration.

Functional nursing and primary nursing are different.  Functional nursing entails specific tasks assigned to particular nurses and aides (Herzing University, n.d.); with primary nursing, whoever sees the patient can complete tasks within their scope of practice.

Private duty, like primary nursing, provides one nursing care.  However, primary nursing is less expensive than private in-home duty nursing, a significant disadvantage for persons wanting private nursing (Herzing University, n.d.).  Case management is also very similar to primary nursing as it's multidisciplinary. 

If not, what modifications make it different?

As stated above, team nursing, private duty nursing, and case management are very similar to private duty nursing.  Functional nursing is different as tasks are assigned, and there needs to be more critical thinking (Herzing University, n.d.).  In the Ostaszkiewicz et al. (2022) study, the functional care delivery model is the best practice in residential aged care.  This is accurate, as delegating tasks in these settings usually allow for quality standards. 

Is it an effective way to give care on the unit?  If so, why?  If not, why not?

The primary nursing care delivery model is adequate for our hospice organization.  Higher level collaboration amongst the case manager, nurse associates, home health aides, chaplains, volunteers, social workers, hospice MD, and primary MD significantly affects continuity of care.  Additionally, greater job satisfaction is seen as everyone has “their” part.  Furthermore, not only is the primary care delivery model patient-centered, but it is also family-centered. 



There are a few patient care delivery methods. The following different delivery methods are team nursing, total patient care, primary nursing, and functional nursing. Team nursing is based off a team of healthcare professionals that includes registered nurses, nursing assistants, and licensed practical nurses, who work together to deliver patient care. Total patient care will be composed of only a single nurse who is responsible for comprehensive care of one or more patients during the entire day. Primary nursing involves a primary nurse who have 24 hour responsibility for planning, directing, and evaluating the care of a patient during their hospitalization. In functional nursing, the tasks are divided among the nursing staff based off their skills and responsibilities (Parreira et al., 2021).

The methods that are used within my clinical setting are total patient care and functional nursing. Patient care delivery within my clinical setting is total patient care because each CNA are assigned to about 10-17 patients for the entire shift. Functional nursing is displayed within the clinical setting because the CNA are assigned to care for the clients and the CMA are assigned to care for the entire building for medication administration. These methods are appropriate for this clinical environment because it's a facility with 54 clients and one nurse is over the staff and the clients. The nurse that is over the clients within the facility reassess and revaluate the clients to develop a new care plan for each client. Nursing assistants and medication technicians help provide optimal patient care and report any changes to the nurse supervisor so proper modifications can be done to their plan of care. 

In my reading, the four methods used are functional nursing, primary nursing, team nursing, and individual nursing. These approaches have gained global recognition and are frequently employed in healthcare settings to facilitate nursing care delivery. They mirror the social values, management philosophies, and resources prevalent within a team or organization, contributing to the overall support of the healthcare system. I think the methods I listed and the information I read correlate with each other. Based off the information provided each method was the same, but some of the names of the type of methods were different (Parreira et al., 2021).