Have your instructor approve the outline you prepared for Exercise 6 (if you turned in your outline and I have not contacted you personally, your outline is approved). Then write a long report based o

Amrutha Boinapally

Trine University

BA---5223-4O2--OL-FA-2023 - Executive Communication

Matthew Mason


Cover Letter

John Doe

123 Main St.

Anytown, CA 90210

[email protected]

28TH NOV 2023

Ms. Jane Smith

Director of Environmental Protection

Anytown Environmental Agency

345 Elm Ave.

Anytown, CA 90210

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to urge your department to conduct a comprehensive study of air quality in our city. As an active community member, I have noticed pollution levels rising alarmingly due to heavy traffic, industry, and construction.

While media reports offer some pollution data, we lack detailed scientific analysis of trends in specific areas. A long-term air monitoring study is needed to assess this public health crisis's true scale and impacts.

This study should measure prominent pollutants across commercial, residential and industrial zones over the next year. It should also identify the composition of particulate matter to pinpoint which locations face higher risks from certain toxic elements. Comparing current readings to historical air quality records will reveal if conditions are improving or deteriorating.

The results must be shared publicly so citizens understand pollution hotspots and health effects in their neighbourhoods. Only with full disclosure can we work together towards solutions. This data would also guide your agency and municipal leaders in developing an effective action plan, including targets to curb emissions by certain deadlines.

As the leading environmental body, conducting objective research lends weight to your policy directives. Several concerned residents also reported rising respiratory issues, so a study has become urgent. I hope you appreciate the need to scientifically document the pervasiveness and impacts of this serious issue.

Please confirm you will authorize an extensive air monitoring program at the earliest. Together, we can combat this growing threat to public well-being through informed action. I await your supportive response so we may begin addressing this issue with the serious attention it demands.

Thank you for your consideration.