I have attached the revision guidelines, previous essay that was edited and needs to be revised and the INSDG assignment feedback that is required in red. Also: For those who are revising and resubmi

Revision Guidelines

You will have the opportunity to improve the grade you earned on your paper.

  • If you earned an A, you may not revise for a better grade.

  • If you earned a B, you may revise for no more than the average of your improved grade (this probably will not be time well spent).

  • If you earned a C, you will have the opportunity to earn a higher grade, minus 10 points or the average of your two scores, whichever is better.

  • If you earned a D or F, you will have the opportunity to earn a higher grade, minus 15 points or the average of your two scores, whichever is better.

You will need to turn in your revised document via Canvas no later than 9am on Dec. 15. Also by 9am on Dec. 15, you will need to turn in a hard copy of your revision and a point-by-point explanation of the problems and how you resolved them (see below). Finally, in a different folder you will turn in all articles you used to prepare your revised paper (even if you already uploaded them for the initial version).

Summary of what you are turning in:

  1. Revised Paper.

  2. Document of Edits: A point-by-point explanation of the problems and how you resolved them.

  3. All articles used for the revision (even if already uploaded for initial version).

Create a document with a point-by-point response to my edits and what you have edited in the original paper. Prepare this document to follow the order of the original paper.

You must:

  1. Include your name and title of paper: both the original and the revised (if you revise) title of your paper.

  2. Type out the problem(s) and 3 examples of where that problem can be found in your paper (page number on original paper and the entire sentence or fragment). If there are fewer than 3 examples, provide all. Start with the title page (i.e., prepare this document in the order you present information).

  3. Indicate how you have fixed the problem, by typing the correction under each point that was an error.


Commentaries to edits would include points, such as:

  • Title of your paper changed from “...” to “...”

  • On p. 2 of the paper, I wrote, “I love cross-cultural psychology,” and neglected to add the quotation marks and page number from where that statement came. Per APA Publication Manual, 7th edition (p. XX), this constitutes plagiarism. Therefore, I have now added the quotation marks and noted that it came from (Kwantes & Glazer, 2017, p. 112).

    • Or: I decided to paraphrase the sentence: “cross-cultural psychology is an area of study that Kwantes and Glazer (2017) indicated that they love.” (but I removed the quotes).

  • On pp. 3-6, my summaries were from the abstract and lacked important definitions. Therefore, I have now added definitions, as well as other details, such as sample sizes and actual correlations showing that I have read the articles entirely.

  • On pages 3, 7, and 8 the cited authors were inaccurate. On p. 3, Hofstede, 1985 was cited, but the original work is actually Hofstede, 1976. On p. 7, Greenberg, 2017 was cited, but it should have been Greenberg & Markus, 2017. On p. 8 no citation was offered for the sentence “Abcdefg hi jkl mnop qrstu vwxyz,” but one is needed, and I recommend Kwantes & Bond, 2021, because they state “........” (p. 267).

  • On p. 4 in the original paper, I wrote: “would be expected to impact upon performance causing,” but Professor Starbucks reminds us to “be concise,” and therefore a shorter phrase is “would cause” (see change on p. 4).

In order to re-grade your paper, I will look at each step sequentially and if I find an error, that is where I will stop.

  • Title page (per grading rubric guidelines)

  • Reference page (per APA guidelines)

  • Minimum of 6 empirical articles must be integrated into the paper (per instructions) and minimum of 3 empirical articles published 2021 or after. If this minimum criterion is not met, I will not grade further.

  • I will then look to see that ever reference is cited, and every citation is referenced. If not, I will stop there and not grade further.

  • Introduction (no more than 3 errors).

  • Body per grading guidelines.