Please respond to one discussion post. Consider your peer’s described barrier to effective verbal and written communication and their proposed approaches to overcome it. Choose one of the barriers in


  • Verbal communication skills

    • What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective verbal communication?

      • How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

Two barriers that I face when speaking is being nervous and speaking to fast. When speaking in front of an audience, I would have to learn how to speak clear and calm and not show that I am nervous. Another way to practice not being nervous would practice in the mirror or in front of people I know to help ease any nervousness I may have. To overcome the barrier of speaking slow, I can practice my speech over and over but read very slow. When practicing how to read slow and clear, I am able to lets others hear me clear and understand every word I am saying.  

  • Written communication skills

    • What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective written communication?

    • How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

Two barriers when writing is learning to understand the topic and learning to explain topics further than just a paragraph. For example, most conversations can go in depth depending on the person speaking but learning how to properly explain topics professionally on paper can sometimes be a challenge. Another way to practice writing is to write everything out clearly but have someone proofread it. Using other sources to help with listening and reading helps me get over the challenges and barriers with verbal and written communication.

  • Discuss how you can use these approaches in your:

    • Interviews

    • Cover and thank you letters

Using the approaches needed to communicate verbally and written will help improve the skills needed to write resumes, papers, projects but also able to say it verbally. Learning to speak and write professionally for myself, conferences and meetings etc. will help improve my writing skills and language.


  • Verbal Communication Skills:

Greater expressive clarity is frequently cited as a hindrance to successful verbal communication. This happens when I need help expressing my ideas clearly or coherently (Birt, 2022). One way to get around this is to listen actively, ensuring I comprehend the subject matter before answering. Putting ideas in order ahead of time and making a mental outline is another strategy for structuring communication well.

Another possible obstacle is misunderstanding nonverbal messages. Body language, voice tone, and facial expressions can all transmit messages that differ from those spoken verbally. More self-awareness and empathy are needed to overcome this (Birt, 2022). I may assess my audience's comprehension by asking for input frequently. It also helps to guarantee proper and consistent information transfer when nonverbal clues and vocal messages are purposefully coordinated.


  • Written Communication Skills:

One of the most prevalent challenges in written communication is being overly complex. Long, complicated sentences cause readers to become disinterested and confused. It will take practice to overcome this hurdle with clarity and conciseness (Yate, 2024). I divide complex concepts into smaller, more manageable chunks to improve comprehension and use straightforward language. Proofreading is crucial to simplify my message and eliminate extraneous elements.

Considering the audience's varied origins and viewpoints is another difficulty. People interpret written information differently depending on their experiences and cultural backgrounds (Indeed, 2023). I use a diverse and inclusive writing style to get around this. Before submitting my writing, I use unbiased language, avoid making assumptions about the reader's background, and get input from others with different viewpoints.


  • Applying Approaches in Interviews and Letters:

The verbal communication strategies developed have the potential to improve performance in interviews significantly. Accurate responses are ensured by actively listening to the interviewer's questions; prearranging one's thoughts facilitates the delivery of compelling and concise answers. Furthermore, confidence and sincerity can be communicated by being aware of non-verbal clues like eye contact and using suitable body language (Birt, 2022).

Written communication abilities are crucial for thank-you and cover letters. If the conciseness technique is used, the letters will be well-organized, engaging, and simple to read (Indeed, 2023). Writing inclusive language and considering the many backgrounds of possible readers will help me craft letters that speak to a wide range of people. Using written and verbal communication techniques is essential for completing the job application process.