Submit the first draft of your exegetical research paper. This should include an annotated list of sources. This means you will provide a very brief description of each of your 5 most important source

Reflection and Outline

Student name



Reflection on my Writing Habits

When I was younger, writing was hard for me. I did not like putting my thoughts on paper. It made me feel nervous and scared. I wanted to finish assignments fast so I did not have to write more. My writing did not always make sense because I wrote too fast. I did not explain things clearly or give enough details. Readers would be confused because my writing left out important parts. To get better, I knew I needed new ways to feel less scared about writing. The first thing I tried was going more slowly. Instead of rushing, I planned what I would say before starting. This helped me organize my ideas. I also wrote without worrying about mistakes first. That let me get more words on the page.

Writing in a journal every day helped me practice putting thoughts on paper freely. It got easier over time. Now when I have writing to do, I take breaks between readings so my brain does not get tired. I give myself time to fix parts that are unclear too. These changes have helped me like writing more. I am not as scared now. My writing explains things in a way people can understand better. I also find the editing process less daunting as regular writing has improved my ability to self-review in a structured way. Although editing is still hard practice, I feel proud when I share what I write because I can see how far my skills have come. Facing my fears step-by-step made writing go from stressful to fun. I am happy I kept trying to get better at it.

Outline on the Parable of the Good Samaritan

I. Introduction

A. Background context of the parable

B. Goal of the paper to conduct an exegetical analysis

C. Thesis statement on the central teaching of neighborly love

II. Historical-cultural context

A. Differences between Jews and Samaritans

B. Role of the priest, Levite and religious laws

C. Danger of the Jericho Road

III. Narrative analysis

A. Setting and characters introduced

B. Actions of those who passed by versus the Samaritan1

C. Use of irony and subversion of expectations

IV. Theological significance

A. Who is my neighbor? Challenge of prejudice2

B. Demonstration of agape love

C. Inability to earn salvation through works3

V. Conclusion

A. Summary of key lessons about love

B. Broader application for Christians today

C. Invitation to practice neighborly love in response


Juell, Sheldon. "Which Side Do You Travel On? The Parable Samaritan of the Good."

Ryan, Maurice. "Revisiting the Parable of the Good Samaritan." Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 16, no. 1 (2021).

Nelson, Thomas. NKJV, Holy Bible: Holy Bible, New King James Version. Thomas Nelson, 2005.

1Juell, Sheldon. "Which Side Do You Travel On? The Parable Samaritan of the Good."

2Ryan, Maurice. "Revisiting the Parable of the Good Samaritan." Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 16, no. 1 (2021).

3Nelson, Thomas. NKJV, Holy Bible: Holy Bible, New King James Version. Thomas Nelson, 2005.