Course outcomes and summative assessments are generally determined early in the instructional planning process and reflect what the students need to know and be able to do at the completion of a cours

Course outcomes and summative assessments are generally determined early in the instructional planning process and reflect what the students need to know and be able to do at the completion of a cours 1

Course Design Template

Course Title:

Course Description:

Course Type (traditional or online):

Learning Outcomes:




Topic 1:

Objective 1


Objective 2


Objective 3


Instructional Methods


Instructional Activity/ Engagement Strategies


Formative Assessment/ Assignment


Differentiation Strategies


Instructional Resources


Topic 2:

Objective 1


Objective 2


Objective 3


Instructional Methods


Instructional Activity/ Engagement Strategies


Formative Assessment/ Assignment


Differentiation Strategies


Instructional Resources


Topic 3:

Objective 1


Objective 2


Objective 3


Instructional Methods


Instructional Activity/ Engagement Strategies


Formative Assessment/ Assignment


Differentiation Strategies


Instructional Resources


Topic 4:

Objective 1


Objective 2


Objective 3


Instructional Methods


Instructional Activity/ Engagement Strategies


Formative Assessment/ Assignment


Differentiation Strategies


Instructional Resources


Topic 5:

Objective 1


Objective 2


Objective 3


Instructional Methods


Instructional Activity/ Engagement Strategies


Formative Assessment/ Assignment


Differentiation Strategies


Instructional Resources


Topic 6:

Objective 1


Objective 2


Objective 3


Instructional Methods


Instructional Activity/ Engagement Strategies


Formative Assessment/ Assignment


Differentiation Strategies


Instructional Resources


Summative Assessment/Course Outcome:

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