Discussion Board Post: Prepare a response for Discussion Board #1 by answering the following prompt: “Has an ethical educational leader had an influence on your career or profession?”Use Appendix C to

Discussion Board Post Rubric

50 Points

Discussion Board Post:

  • Your opening sentence of your response should clearly restate the question you are answering.

  • Relate your response to your personal experiences; consequently, it is permissible to use personal pronouns in this assignment.

  • Do not specify the names of people or schools when posting. Keep in mind that your answers will be read by several other people.

  • Your response should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

  • Your response for each question should be 1-2 well-written paragraphs.

  • You do not have to re-post after your first entry, but it is permissible to do so.


Evaluation Criteria




Possible Points 50

Opening Sentences

Opening sentences did not specify which question was answered.

Opening sentences clearly specified which question was answered.

10 points

Discussion Board Response

There was no discussion board posting for this assignment.

The response was vague or briefly addressed the question.

The response adequately addressed the question.

25 points

Length of Assignment

Posting did not include one well-written paragraph.

Posting met criteria of one to two well-written paragraphs.

10 points

Spelling, Grammar, Mechanics

Poor quality with many errors present

Average quality-a few errors are noted.

Excellent quality-no errors noted

5 points