Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional. Summa

Course Project Milestone – Topic Selection and Discussion: Abortion

Positions on Abortion


  1. The pro-choice stance posits: a woman possesses the inherent right and inviolable autonomy over her body; thus, she can exercise discretion to choose whether or not an abortion is warranted.

  2. The importance of a woman's autonomy, bodily autonomy, and reproductive rights often becomes the emphasis for supporters advocating pro-choice.


  1. The pro-life perspective argues that life commences at conception; thus, any action involving abortion as a termination procedure is morally incorrect due to its implication in ending human existence.

  2. Pro-life advocates ground their stance in religious convictions and the inviolability of human life.

Ethical Egoist Perspective

The pro-choice stance on abortion would likely garner support from an Ethical Egoist. Stating that individuals should prioritize their well-being and happiness, Ethical Egoism may argue within the context of abortion that a woman's autonomy over her body is paramount; aligning with the principle of self-interest could involve respecting decisions she makes about her reproductive health (Rachels, 2022). This position justifies itself: it is grounded in the belief that individuals endowed with an intimate understanding of their circumstances, desires, and plans are unparalleled decision-makers for maximizing personal happiness and fulfillment. From an Ethical Egoist perspective; consider a woman confronted by the pivotal choice to continue or terminate her pregnancy she embodies this principle perfectly. Her right to choose receives support not out of altruism, but rather aligns with emphasis on individual agency and self-determination of Ethical Egoism.

The Ethical Egoist would state a perceived conflict between self-loyalty and community loyalty; however, they contend that individual happiness and well-being enhance society's overall welfare. A community where individuals wield power to make decisions in line with their interests is more likely to prosper (Shepanski, 2023). According to the Ethical Egoist, prioritizing the woman's autonomy in an abortion decision and recognizing it as vital for individual happiness is essential but also promotes broader communal well-being and is seen as the optimal course of action (Rachels, 2022).

Social Contract Ethicist Perspective

A Social Contract Ethicist would probably endorse the pro-choice position on abortion, emphasizing individual rights and autonomy's significance within the social contract. From a societal agreement perspective, individuals agree to specific rules and norms to foster social order and cooperation (Rachels, 2022). Concerning abortion: asserting that women have the right to choose could align with a Social Contract Ethicist's argument it is an expression of respect for individual autonomy as well as personal freedom. Rooted in the social contract framework is a strong justification for the pro-choice position: individuals, living within society, implicitly agree to an absolute set of principles that safeguard their rights and liberties. Honoring this tacit agreement this bedrock upon which they build our civilization requires us to respect a woman's autonomy over her body; thus fostering a society pervaded by values such as individual freedom and self-determination.

Personal obligations may influence the situation, yet it's more evident that individual autonomy and potential societal norms or moral beliefs conflict. Certain individuals might have a clash between personal convictions frequently shaped by religious or ethical perspectives and the wider social acceptance of abortion. Prioritizing the defense of individual rights would probably be a Social Contract Ethicist's stance; even if this deems challenging specific societal norms (Koch, 2023). According to a Social Contract Ethicist, supporting policies and practices that prioritize individual autonomy and choice in reproductive matters while acknowledging the paramount importance of personal freedom within our societal agreement's framework is the best course of action.

Professional Code of Ethics Perspective

The American Medical Association (AMA) Code of Medical Ethics, a pertinent professional code; places significant emphasis on patient autonomy: it recognizes and respects the diversity of moral perspectives. This code reiterates an important duty for physicians to facilitate informed decision-making processes for patients regarding their healthcare issues even extending toward reproductive choices such as abortion. This stance espouses the pro-choice ideology: at its core lies the recognition and protection of a woman's prerogative over her reproductive health (Grünebaum et al., 2023). Healthcare professionals with personal beliefs that contradict their duty to deliver non-judgmental care might encounter conflicts, thereby emphasizing the persistent ethical dilemma in medical practice.

Abortion is a topic that often stirs conflicts between professional and familial duties particularly for healthcare practitioners. These medical professionals, bound by ethical codes such as the AMA's, bear an obligation to offer non-judgmental care; they must respect their patients’ autonomy a stance which can potentially clash with personal beliefs. The intensity of this tension amplifies when practitioners hold opposing views on abortion due to familial or cultural values. The endeavor to balance their professional duties, which necessitate offering comprehensive care, with familial or personal moral obligations frequently presents significant ethical dilemmas. This underscores the challenges that healthcare professionals may confront in harmonizing their values and meeting familial expectations alongside fulfilling overarching professional responsibilities.


Grünebaum, A., Moreno, J. D., Esq, S. P., & Chervenak, F. A. (2023, April). Counselling for the option of termination of pregnancy for severe fetal anomalies in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling to remove the constitutional right to an abortion. In Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine (p. 101441). WB Saunders.

Koch, T. (2023). The Practitioner’s Paradox: Conscientious but… Without Conscience. Medical Research Archives, 11(1).

Rachels, J.R. S. (2022). The Elements of Moral Philosophy (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

Shepanski, M. (2023). A review of GR McLean, ethical basics for the caring professions: knowledge and skills for thoughtful practice (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2022. 240 p.). Monash Bioethics Review, 1-3.