Good Morning, hope all is well... I need help with Human Resource and Business Law paper Both are work Work Document Business Law 2 page 250 word Human Resource Word Document

My degree is Human Resource Specialist

Portfolio Project Reflection

You will also reflect upon the course and how it directly relates to your future workplace in a Word Document. For this reflection you will:

  • Analyze the importance of this project to your future career.

  • In your own words reflect on how this project meets the Program and Institutional outcomes as stated below this page highlighted.

Program Outcomes

  • Assess management and leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Institutional Outcomes

  • Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.

  • Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.

  • Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.

  • Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.

  • Community and Career - Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.