see attachment

There are two parts to this assignment. Each part can be submitted in Blackboard for grading separately or as a single document with clear headings to identify each part and its components. If submitting separate documents, they must be uploaded at the same time, as this assignment will be graded based on completion of all requirements in both parts.

Part I: Conduct an Independent Samples T-Test

Your instructor will provide you with a data set. Complete the following tasks:

  • Select the appropriate test to answer this research question: What are the differences in performance based on a person’s gender?

  • Address the assumptions relating to the test.

  • Create a boxplot of the dependent variable based on the independent variable.

Your part I submission should be completed in APA style and report format. It must be a minimum of four pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:

  • an independent samples t-test addressing the research question,

  • assumptions relating to the test, 

  • a boxplot of the dependent variable based on the independent variable, 

  • a brief narrative explaining results.

Conduct a Paired-Samples T-Test

A unique data set has been provided to each student by the instructor. Using that data set, complete the following tasks:

  • Select the appropriate test to answer this research question: What is the difference in weight between day1 and day2?

  • Address the assumptions relating to the test.

  • Create a boxplot of both dependent variables simultaneously.

Your part I submission should be completed in APA style and report format. It must be a minimum of four pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:

  • a paired samples t-test addressing the research question,

  • assumptions relating to the test, 

  • a boxplot of the dependent variable based on the independent variable and 

  • a brief narrative explaining results. 

Part II: Conduct an ANOVA

Your instructor will provide you with a data set. Complete the following tasks:

  • Select the appropriate test to answer this research question: What are the differences in performance based on a person’s age?

  • Address the assumptions relating to the test.

Your part II submission should be completed in APA style and report format. It must be a minimum of four pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:

  • an ANOVA addressing the research question,

  • assumptions relating to the test, and 

  • a brief narrative explaining results.