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Assignment 2: Research Article Summary and Critique This assignment is worth 18 points , and point values for each question are listed in bold . For this assignment, you need to choose one of the following research article ( please fin d t he articles on eClass under “Assignment 2”). Submit your assignment as a PDF under “Assignment 2” by 11:59 pm on March 28th , 202 4 . For every day that your assignment is late, you will be deducted 10% as stated in the syllabus Your answer must not be more than 3 pages double - spaced and your assignment should not be more than 5 pages total (first page should be the cover/title page and the fifth and final page should be the reference page). Both the title page and reference page should also be double - spaced and on separate pages from your answer. Please clearly indicate the question number that pertains to each answer (no need to type the entire question out). In the cover page specify the paper you chose and your name and use APA format for the reference page (some resources will be posted). Grammar and writing style are important. Your task is to critically evaluate various aspects of the study, including its methodology, data analysis, conclusions, and overall contribution to the field. Your critique should be well - organized, evidence - based, in - depth, and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the research process. Please write in complete sentences and be thoughtful about your answers. 1. Introduction: (2 points total) ● Begin by providing a brief summary of the research article, including its main research question. (1 mark) ● State the hypotheses. (1 mark) 2. Methodology : (3 points total) ● Describe the research design used in the study (experimental, correlational, etc.). (1 mark) ● Evaluate the appropriateness of the chosen design in relation to the research question. (1 mark) ● Discuss the sample size, recruitment methods, and any potential biases in participant selection. (1 mark) 3. Data Analysis : (3 points total) ● Outline the statistical techniques employed in the study (e.g., t - tests, ANOVA, regression). (1 mark) ● Critique the appropriateness of the chosen statistical analyses in relation to the research design and data collected. (1 mark) ● Assess the clarity of the presentation of results, including tables, figures, and explanations of statistical findings. (1 mark) Assignment 2: Research Article Summary and Critique 4. Conclusions and Implications: (2 points total) ● Summarize the conclusions drawn by the authors based on the study's findings. (1 mark) ● Evaluate whether the conclusions align with the study's results and research question. (1 mark) 5. Critical Assessment: (5 points total) ● Identify strengths and weaknesses in the study's methodology, data analysis, and conclusions. Use evidence from the article OR relevant sources (not necessary) to support your evaluations. Why are these strengths and weaknesses? (2 points) ● Critique the overall contribution of the research article to the field of lifespan development. Did it advance our understanding of the topic? Were there any implications for future research? (2 points) ● Provide suggestions for how the study could be improved or extended (1 point) 6. APA Format and Writing Style: (3 points total) ● You MUST adhere to APA for your entire assignment. This includes cover page/header, your answers, and the reference page. Please provide BOTH in - text citations and a reference page (even if you are only citing the one paper you have chosen) (2 points) ● Proofread your work - we will be assessing spelling, grammar, proofreading type errors, writing clarity and quality. Submit your assignment in PDF Format . (1 mark) ** Please make sure you look at the example title page as well as the example reference page posted to eClass ** A great resource for APA format guidelines is the Purdue Owl Website . **Questions to Consider:** 1. Was the research question clearly stated? Was its significance to the field explained? 2. How appropriate was the chosen research design for addressing the research question? 3. Did the authors adequately describe their sample and any potential biases? 4. Were the variables well - defined and operationalized? 5. Did the data analysis methods align with the research design and data collected? 6. How effectively were the study's results presented and discussed? 7. Do the conclusions drawn by the authors logically follow from the study's findings? 8. What are the broader implications of the study's findings for psychology? 9. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study's methodology, analysis, and conclusions? Remember to provide detailed and thoughtful responses, and support your evaluations with evidence from the article and relevant research. Your critique should demonstrate a critical understanding of research methods and their application in psychology.