2. SOAP Note 1 SOAP_Note Instructions and Example-1.docxDownload SOAP_Note Instructions and Example-1.docx Students will watch the Netflix series MAID and write SOAP notes for certain episodes of the

SOAP Note Checklist

Subjective (What is said):

  • What is the purpose, from their point of view, to come to this session?

  • What is their presenting problem(s) or issue(s)? This may be through one family member’s lens but should include everyone’s perspective.

  • Describe what the client says about causes, duration, and seriousness of issue(s).

  • How does the family understand the problem and what kind of help is being sought?

  • If the family has more than one concern, rank them based on the family’s perception of their importance.

Objective (What you see):

  • Described what occurred during the session from your point of view as the professional

  • “Observation” of clients’ behaviors during the session.

  • Both verbal and nonverbal information (for example, their eye contact, voice tone and volume, body posture, etc.)

  • Note any changes and when they occur (such as a client who becomes restless in discussing a topic or whose face turns red under certain circumstances).

  • Note discrepancies in behavior.

  • This section can also include information from other sources that have interactions with the client (teacher, guidance counselor, physician, etc.).

Assessment (Crisis application):

  • Nature of the crisis, also name the crisis here (PTSD, IPV, etc). (Precipitating event, cognitions, emotional distress, impairments in function – behavior, social, academic, occupational)

  • Type of crisis

  • Ethical check

  • Stage of family resolution of crisis

  • Apply a crisis intervention model

  • Identified themes and patterns that the client/family demonstrates

  • Explained how I made sense of the client/family according to the crisis occurring

Plan (How will you provide support?):

  • Identified therapeutic interaction & why I choose it

  • Recommended alternative strategies for coping based on specific crisis identified

  • Identified (a list) of potential issues and dynamics of family intervention that the person might need to address if referred for counseling – and why.

  • I discussed what the client tried to do to help cope with the crisis in the past and/or what they are doing currently.

  • I offered alternatives strategies for coping for the specific crisis (PTSD, IPV).

  • I made referrals to additional services and discussed why I was making these referrals.

  • My plan was based on the specific crisis identified in the assessment.