For this assignment, you will create a sample case study, through which you will demonstrate application of various principles of applied behavior analysis in a practice setting of your choice. The hy

Treatment Plan Template

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  1. Client Background and Baseline Functioning Levels

Name: Emily McClinton

DOB: 09.09.2018

Diagnoses: Autism Spectrum Disorder

Client Background and Baseline Functioning Levels:

Emily is a 6-year-old female who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder—Emily currently lives with both her parents and her 4-year-old sister. Emily does not have any food aversions and is fully potty trained. She attends school and is currently in the 2nd grade. Emily struggles to pay attention during group activities and interacting with peers. When asked to do so, Emily engages in property destruction and runs away. Emily has difficulty recalling previous events, so reading comprehension at school is difficult. At home, her parents report that Emily has difficulty engaging with her sibling and will throw tantrums when having to do so. In fear of Emily hurting her sister, they remove her from the area, and Emily stops. Parents are finding themselves having to split and attend to their children separately. Emily struggles to share with her sister and engages in aggression towards her siblings and parents. 

Functioning levels—When observed, Emily did not engage with the peers around her. She would reference those around her, Emily would not ask her peers for needed items, and she would not tolerate them engaging in a different activity near her. Emily engaged in maladaptive behaviors to be removed from the area. During group activities, Emily repeatedly tried to leave the area; she could not sit still for longer than 30 seconds. When asked to recall a short story, Emily could not convey details from what was previously read. 

II. Assessment and Summary of Hypothetical Results

Assessment Completed with Overview of Implementation Procedures:

[content here]

Summary of Hypothetical Results:

[content here]

III. Recommended Treatment Dosage and Schedule

1:1 hours per week: [content here]

Supervision: [content here]

Treatment schedule and locations:

[content here]

IV. Skill Acquisition Goals

Goal 1: Client will imitate coping strategy with prompts in absence of maladaptive behaviors in 85% of opportunities across 2 therapists for 4 out of 5 consecutive days. 

Mastery Criterion: 85% of opportunities across 2 therapists for 4 out of 5 consecutive days. 

Generalization Criterion: [content here]

Goal 2: Patient will tolerate engaging in coping strategies when in maladaptive behavior

Mastery Criterion: If greater than or equal to 90 from two providers over 5 data points

Generalization Criterion: [content here]

Goal 3: Patient will engage with peers during novel games in NET with prompts and maladaptive behavior

Mastery Criterion: 85% accuracy across 4 out of 5 days and 2 individuals

Generalization Criterion: [content here]

Goal 4: Patient will respond to the greetings of peers using vocalizations and/or hand gestures without prompts and without maladaptive behavior as measured by 85% accuracy across 3 out of 5 days and 2 individuals

Mastery Criterion: 85% accuracy across 3 out of 5 days and 2 individuals

Generalization Criterion: [content here]

Goal 5: Patient will remain seated for 1 minutes in a group with prompts and contingent reinforcement and without maladaptive behavior.

Mastery Criterion: 90% accuracy across 3 out of 5 days across 2 individuals

Generalization Criterion: [content here]

V. Behavior-Analytic Strategies and Techniques

Summary of behavior-analytic concepts utilized to achieve meaningful client skill acquisition:

[content here]

VI. Coordination of Care Plan

Stakeholders involved in treatment: [content here]

Coordination efforts to achieve treatment collaboration with key stakeholders:

[content here]

VII. Discharge Plan

Summary of reasons for discharge that are not clinically indicated:

[content here]

Summary of reasons for discharge that are clinically indicated, including transition plan:

[content here]