CASE 3 MKT 501 Strategic Marketing Public Relations, CRM, and Ethics Assignment Overview Ethics in Marketing Worldwide headlines follow ethical lapses of corporate leaders or flawed ad campaigns. S


MKT501 Case 1

Trident University International

MKT501 Strategic Marketing

March 17, 2024

MKT501 Case 1

This paper explores how to market the business of Green Clean Solutions, a new company founded in Seattle, Washington, that provides eco-friendly cleaning products and services for homes. As a start-up, it is important for Green Clean Solutions to properly research its target customers and local market to spread information most effectively about the environmentally friendly products and services offered. Understanding who the primary buyers will be in the area allows the company to connect with them best.

Several sources were examined to gain knowledge regarding the cleaning supplies market where Green Clean Solutions is located and the types of individuals typically shopping for such items. The United States Census provided data on the neighborhoods the business seeks to serve. Additional research investigated the priorities and media habits of the likely customer profile based on their age, gender, and locational demographics corresponding to the business address in Seattle (AIContentfy, 2023). Considering the interests of this crucial target market guides decisions about the most effective social networks and online marketing approaches to introduce Green Clean Solutions to potential first-time and returning clients.

Company Overview

Green Clean Solutions offers natural cleaning items and services for houses in Seattle, Washington. The business wants to give choices for cleaning needs that do not hurt the earth. Their slogan is "Sustainable home cleaning for a shining home." This means they help homes look nice without damaging the place we live or the air and water around us. The men and women who work at Green Clean Solutions understand that more individuals these days want options that are good for nature. They started the company to fill this need in their local area. The products and help they provide let people take care of their homes in a way that also takes care of the planet. Green Clean Solutions believes a house can shine while protecting the environment for a long time. They created their website with a simple design to show people right away what they are about - keeping homes sparkling while keeping the community and world safe.

Target Market Research

Information from the United States Census was used to look at the cleaning supplies market in Seattle neighborhoods with zip codes between 98101 and 98199. This part of Seattle has many families and people who care about protecting nature. Most stores selling cleaners and other things to tidy the home are found in these zip codes. The Census details what types of buyers typically shop at grocery markets, drug stores and other retailers carrying cleaning products (Dahlen et al., 2010). It shows that ladies between ages 30 and 45 are the largest group purchasing these items. Many live close to where children go to school and parks are located. They strive to choose goods that will keep their homes clean without causing problems for the environment their children play in each day.

The main reason women of this age range prioritize finding natural cleaning options has to do with being mothers. Research demonstrates that ladies in this age bracket care deeply about handing down a healthy planet to their kids and other young ones. As parents, they see firsthand how impressionable children are. A survey from McKinsey & Company in 2021 found that these ladies want to set a helpful example for young minds by lessening their impact. They believe that making wiser choices concerning what enters their homes can guide their family members to value nature. Current items often advertise being effective against dirt but may not clearly show all substances inside. This causes concern for anyone with little ones around.

Green Clean Solutions understands that females ages 30-45 are usually entirely occupied with work tasks, responsibilities at home, and ferrying kids between activities. They aim to offer items and help that fit into rapidly moving routines without compromising quality of cleaning or concern for the setting. With solutions tailored to suit the pressures of modern life while upholding high morals, this business can become the trusted supplier for guardians seeking to harmonize household work and atmosphere protection.

Social Media

To reach the target customers for Green Clean Solutions, research was done on social media types that could connect the company to ladies ages 30 to 45. Studies from Oberlo and Convensis from 2022 and 2021 looked at how different platforms are used. After reviewing facts from these sources, Facebook and Instagram would reach the target group well. Facebook information shows that ladies between ages 30 and 45 spend more time on Facebook than other networks. They often use the site to join groups about subjects important to them, like parenting, health, and environmental protection. Instagram research reveals that almost half its users are women aged 30 to 45. Images on Instagram allow Green Clean Solutions to visually demonstrate how products clean while being eco-friendly (Nielsen, 2018). Both platforms permit targeting ads to specific locations, interests, and demographics, too. Since the target group for this business is women of a particular age in the Seattle region who value environmental stewardship, Facebook and Instagram offer focused approaches.

Green Clean Solutions made profiles for each one using their official business email to take advantage of these useful social sites. This email will help me appear as an expert to customers. On Facebook, they can post notices about new releases of cleaning liquids or powders created from natural sources. Instagram allows uploading photos that highlight ingredients like organic herbs in products or recycling processes (Dahlen et al., 2010). Links to these Facebook and Instagram pages will be put on the Green Clean Solutions website to encourage followers across all outlets. Over time, posting consistent messages regarding commitment to customer and Earth well-being should develop a loyal customer base that's informed through social platforms on company progress (Nielsen, 2018).


The information discovered guides Green Clean Solutions to share their products and assistance near where they operate. Demographic studies show that the likeliest clients reside in specific Seattle zip codes and use Facebook to follow neighborhood businesses. These facts guide the company’s approach locally. They can place advertisements in areas of the city that the target shoppers frequent the most. Facebook allows messaging neighbors directly about services or cleaners made from plant and mineral sources. Instagram can spread the word since potential buyers spend time there and seem concerned about environmental protection.

Making a profile for each social network utilized by the target group in their location helps connect Green Clean Solutions to women 30 to 45 years old worried about eco matters. Posts concerning safe items for families or how business commits to sustainability in its activities can establish a good name in this industry. When customers start following the company websites and pages, messages there remind them of services that create a nice home while defending nature (AIContentfy, 2023). Over the long run, as the region learns through these avenues that eco alternatives are provided near them for cleaning needs, more folks may become loyal buyers interested in supporting environmental ethics. Building community understanding of the brand through consistent online networking over months may steer new regular clients to trust Green Clean Solutions as an environmentally caring local business.

This strategy utilizes what was discovered through an analysis the Seattle marketplace. It targets communications fittingly for where intended consumers tend to be based and in areas they spend time virtually, too. While getting the word out in these places initially, maintaining social media content tied to topics the target audience values should cement their operations as helpful neighbors who maintain high standards for planet care.


Therefore, utilizing the discoveries from examination of neighborhood information and the priorities of the expected predominant purchaser sorts grants Green Clean Solutions to genuinely interface with clients where they, currently go in the physical and internet-based worlds. By communicating through online stages significant for keeping women matured 30 to 45 informed about new natural items and administrations in their group, the organization can turn out to be esteemed as a neighborly, environmental caring decision for cleaning needs (Nielsen, 2018). Over numerous months of consistent cooperation through internet-based life, the image will take root inside the neighborhood as a reliable wellspring of tasteful and eco-mindful options in contrast to others additionally accessible. Green Clean Solutions can develop trust and profession in the natural cleaning specialty with a customized methodology considering exploration.


AIContentfy. (2023). The impact of brand consistency on customer acquisition. Lucidpress. Retrieved from acquisition

Dahlen, M., Lange, F., & Smith, T. (2010). Marketing communications: A brand narrative approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Nielsen. (2018). Global Nielsen study: Consumers believe companies must take environmental action—Even if it costs them. Nielsen. Retrieved from