CASE 3 MKT 501 Strategic Marketing Public Relations, CRM, and Ethics Assignment Overview Ethics in Marketing Worldwide headlines follow ethical lapses of corporate leaders or flawed ad campaigns. S

MKT501 Case 2

Trident University International

MKT 501 Strategic Marketing

March 31, 2024

MKT501 Case 2

Green Clean Solutions is a startup based in Seattle, Washington, dedicated to providing eco-friendly household cleaning products and services. Focusing on sustainability and environmental consciousness, Green Clean Solutions aims to cater to the growing demand for cleaners that do not harm the environment.

Company Overview

Green Clean Solutions is a Seattle-based, eco-friendly startup providing safe and organic household cleaning supplies to meet the needs of those who care about the environment. Our range of cleaning products produced with biodegradation in mind and our custodial service specializing in little environmental impact is what Green Clean Solutions strives to develop to cater to the long-awaited eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Eco-friendly products focused on eco-conscience and sustainability are the core of the company's efforts, and they are geared towards supplying efficient cleaning solutions with the most negligible environmental impact. The population of eco-minded customers is growing, and the Seattle area is no exception.


With the fast-changing current marketplace, emphasizing inclusiveness and diversity is no longer just about moral matters but, instead, is a predominant strategic approach to effective marketing. The longer the social sphere evolves, the more businesses begin to perceive their impact on society; thus, much attention is being directed to the role of diversity in marketing communications. Inclusivity embodies various identities, including gender, ethnicity, non-native speakers, abilities, religious beliefs, age, or diversity of personal preferences (Madera et al., 2023). By following the principles of inclusivity in marketing communications, companies manifest the reflection of the diversity of their target audience and their intention to show that they respect the people they want to appeal to.

Diversity in marketing communications means that businesses may be able to access new markets with their products and services and help serve niche groups of customers who have been underserved before. There will also be room for launching fresh products under the guidance of new ideas from different cultures. Several research results suggest that people prefer brands that demonstrate relativity to diversity in marketing efforts. The positive attitude of consumers and enhanced brand loyalty raise the brand's status. Today, social media is the instrument that intensifies both positive and adverse brand experiences. In marketing, companies must focus on how important it is for brands to compete toward inclusivity and diversity in their marketing communication. Businesses must broaden the scope and promote diversity and inclusion.

Best Practices Examples

Many businesses have adopted inclusivity and diversity as a mainstay in their marketing communications, which can be used as learning platforms by Green Clean Solutions as they mark their entry into the market. Method, a cleaning product brand, is inclusive in its advertising campaigns with heterogeneous families and people from different backgrounds as featured characters. Through individuals from myriad ethnicities, gender ranges, and background patterns that apply its goodies, Method captures a message of inclusivity and accessibility. Different group marketing is a way to achieve Green Clean Solutions' mission to create safe and eco-friendly solutions for every household, regardless of demographic factors (Davenport et al., 2022). Through Method's methodology, Green Clean Solutions can get more of its target audiences' attention and prove that it is ready to render services to all communities.

Seventh Generation, a business catering to ecological cleaning items, devises inclusiveness in its marketing initiatives. In its advertisement responses, Seventh Generation shows various families of different races, same-sex couples, and those with special needs, the same ones who were supporters of the brand. Seventh Generation has gained authenticity and relatability by showing the people who use its products in its ads, studying which consumers have similar values and want the same attributes in their brands.

Many customers represent our target audience, such as same-sex couples and people from various class/social status groups for Green Clean's services. This is a critical factor that helps attract customers and build the brand of our services.

Patagonia, a pioneer in sustainable outdoor apparel, has adopted inclusivity and environmental strategies to form the basis of its doings. Patagonia's exertion illustrates the brand's care for environmental campaigns while depicting people of different backgrounds in the mood for outdoor activities. Patagonia celebrates eco-conscious shoppers who love ethical practices by clearly putting forward inclusivity and sustainability, which are solid consumer ethics. A good strategy for our company will be targeting environmentally conscious customers from different cultural backgrounds to establish Green Clean Solutions as a reliable cleaning solution supplier in the industry. Green Clean Solutions can get inspiration from Patagonia's approach and communicate its values effectively. They can attract customers who prioritize the sustainability and inclusivity of their buying decisions, which is what they look for now.

Addressing the Negatives

The recent failures of marketing campaigns of Pepsi and H&M are two famous cases of traditional diversity and inclusivity sins; they were taken to kick off a social controversy by utilizing a Kardashian daughter identified as Kendall Jenner and using an ad with the subtitle "Coolest Monkey In The Jungle" on a black boy wearing a hoodie. Pepsi's ad strived to cash in on the social justice movement, featuring a scene of Kendall Jenner walking up to police officers at the protest with a can of Pepsi. Although the ad's message mirrored the simplicity of social justice and police brutality, it was received with a fury of disapproval despite the scant allocation of funds to this movement.

The audience criticized the ad for its inconsiderate approach that depicted reality on one side and was later pulled off owing to the ensuing negative response. By analogy, H&M suffered strong criticism for their advertisement, which put a young black boy wearing the "Coolest Monkey in the Jungle" hoodie to the public. The (racist) ad was unfavorably treated for its racially insensitive (unethical) composition, which resulted in the casting of stereotypes and sparking outrage from consumers and civil rights activists.

To stand apart from Green Clean Solutions', one needs to answer these questions honestly and be sensitive and aware of the cultures to avoid the same communication errors now. One central lesson that can be derived from the abovementioned incidents is that the perfect market campaigns should do a comprehensive analysis and should be 100% ready for the society they are targeting and the possible consequences of their campaigns. The advertisements should be based upon opinions of diverse perspectives and viewpoints, with input from community stakeholders, to ensure that ads do not unknowingly propagate stereotypes or offend marginalized groups. Companies should never forget the saying that implies that companies that want to make a profit out of severe social problems such as mental health, political agendas, and the status of women in society are at risk of belittling those severe social problems.

Full transparency and accountability are vital in dealing with wrongdoing or missteps. Whether Green Clean Solutions faces marketing efforts critiquing or an adversarial reaction, it should respond timely and take stock of any harm done. This might mean releasing an official apology, reworking the message to reflect connection concerns, and taking measures to avoid the same issue recurrence in the future.


In conclusion, embracing inclusivity and diversity in marketing communications is essential for businesses like Green Clean Solutions to effectively connect with diverse consumer segments, enhance brand reputation, and foster long-term relationships. By learning from best practices and addressing potential pitfalls, Green Clean Solutions can develop a comprehensive strategy that reflects its commitment to inclusivity and sustainability.


Davenport, D., Natesan, S., Caldwell, M. T., Gallegos, M., Landry, A., Parsons, M., & Gottlieb, M. (2022). Faculty recruitment, retention, and representation in leadership: an evidence-based guide to best practices for diversity, equity, and inclusion from the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 23(1), 62.

Madera, J. M., Yang, W., Wu, L., Ma, E., & Xu, S. (2023). Diversity and inclusion in hospitality and tourism: bridging the gap between employee and customer perspectives. International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 35(11), 3972-3989.