hey, can you put the community assessment in a powerpoint. You did the assignment already I just need it in a PowerPoint . I can create another question if you can .

Community Assessment Presentation Rubric





Community Identification

5 points

  • Missing more than one criterion

0 points

  • Missing one criterion

3 points

  • Identifies type of community

  • Identifies geographic boundaries

  • Incorporates map or visual aid

5 points

Assessment of Community

25 points

  • Missing more than one criterion

0-5 points

  • Missing one criterion

15 points

  • Includes windshield survey components and findings

  • Utilizes additional data collection techniques

  • Incorporates appropriate statistical information

  • Cites data appropriately

25 points

Analysis of Findings

25 points

  • Missing more than one criterion

0-5 points

  • Missing one criterion

15 points

  • Uses comparative technique for statistics

  • Identifies strengths and weaknesses of the community

  • Data comparison supports problem identification

25 points


20 points

  • Missing more than one criterion

0-5 points

  • Missing one criterion

10 points

  • Proposed plan addresses health problem/threat

  • Proposed plan is realistic

  • Goal is measurable

  • Proposed plan adequately addresses the scope of the identified problem

20 points


10 points

  • Evaluation criteria is not included

0 points

  • Evaluation criteria included, but does not measure the goal

5 points

  • Evaluation criteria measures the goal

10 points


15 points

  • Missing more than two criterions

0-5 points

  • Missing 1-2 criterion

7-12 points

  • Presentation is organized

  • Presentation is in logical order

  • Presentation has very few to little errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar

  • Sources cited in correct APA format throughout presentation

  • Reference list included at end of presentation in correct APA format (7th ed)

15 points