The case study link is provided below for the Case Study 2. Read and study the case and complete the questions at the end of the study. Use the case study outline below to assist you with your analysi

Tea and More

Lesline Abonwoh

American Public University

COURSE TLMT313: Supply Chain Management

Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth


I. Major Facts:

- Tea and More was founded in Los Angeles in 1985

- Tea and More (TAM) has experienced rapid expansion over the last decade.

- TAM's owner, Jack Reynolds, feels overwhelmed and frustrated with the company's challenges.

- TAM has supply chain management issues, including shipment size and reliability problems.

- TAM has issues with customer service by outside sales staff and lost sales as a result.

- TAM needs help managing inventory and addressing unpredictable customer ordering patterns.

- TAM faces competition from low-cost, low-quality competitors and has lost market share.

- TAM has experimented with new tea varieties but has yet to see success in terms of sales.

- TAM has experienced increased expenses, including materials costs and labor.

- TAM faces collection time issues, with an average collection period of 54 days.

II. Major Problem:

Tea and More's problems include supply chain management, customer service, inventory management, market competition, and profitability.

III. Possible solutions

A. To improve customer service by outside sales staff, TAM should consider offering better incentives and commission structures, implementing a comprehensive sales training program, and increasing communication and support between sales staff and clients. These measures can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty but may require additional time, resources, and costs.

B. Enhance the TAM brand to retain significant customers:

- Invest in marketing activities, including eye-catching displays and advertising campaigns: By investing in marketing initiatives, TAM can create strong brand awareness, attract new customers, and retain existing ones. Eye-catching displays and advertising will capture attention and increase brand visibility. However, this may involve significant financial investment and ongoing marketing expenses.

- Conduct market research to understand customer preferences and develop targeted promotions: Market research will provide valuable insights into customer preferences, enabling TAM to tailor its products and promotions to meet specific customer needs. This will result in improved customer satisfaction and increased sales. However, conducting market research may add to the company's expenses.

- Strengthen relationships with significant customers through personalized service and loyalty programs: By providing customized service and loyalty programs, TAM can build strong relationships with important customers, increasing their loyalty and reducing the likelihood of them being lured away by competitors. However, implementing loyalty programs may require additional resources and ongoing maintenance costs.

C. Improve inventory management and supply chain efficiency:

- Develop better forecasting models to address unpredictable customer ordering patterns: By improving forecasting accuracy, TAM can anticipate customer demands more effectively, reducing stockouts and improving overall inventory management. This will result in improved customer satisfaction and cost savings. However, enhancing forecasting models may require advanced technology and data analysis capabilities.

- Establish closer relationships with suppliers to ensure faster production and delivery: By building solid relationships, TAM can improve communication and collaboration, resulting in faster production and delivery times. This will enable TAM to meet customer demands more efficiently and reduce lead times. However, establishing closer relationships with suppliers may initially require time and effort.

- Implement inventory tracking systems to monitor and manage stock levels effectively: By implementing inventory tracking systems, TAM can have real-time visibility into stock levels, enabling better inventory management and reducing the risk of stockouts. This will result in improved customer fulfillment and satisfaction. However, implementing inventory tracking systems may require upfront investment in technology and staff training.

D. Implement measures to reduce collection time:

- Streamline the invoicing and payment process, including electronic invoicing options: By implementing efficient invoicing systems and offering electronic invoicing options, TAM can streamline the payment process, reducing collection time. This will result in faster cash flow and improved financial stability. However, implementing new systems may require initial setup costs and staff training.

- Offer incentives for early or prompt payment: By providing discounts or incentives for timely payments, TAM can encourage customers to settle their dues more quickly, reducing collection time. This will improve cash flow and financial management. However, offering incentives may result in lower profit margins.

- Conduct creditworthiness assessments for customers and adjust payment terms accordingly: By evaluating customers' creditworthiness before extending credit, TAM can reduce the risk of delayed payments and bad debts. Adjusting payment terms based on creditworthiness will ensure a more efficient collection process. However, conducting credit assessments may require additional resources and limit sales opportunities with higher-risk customers.

E. Evaluate and focus on profitable product lines:

- Conduct a thorough analysis of product lines and profitability: By assessing the profitability of each product line, TAM can identify underperforming ones and focus resources on the most profitable offerings. This will optimize resource allocation and maximize overall profitability. However, conducting a thorough analysis may require time and resources.

- Consider discontinuing underperforming tea varieties and focusing on core offerings: By discontinuing underperforming tea varieties, TAM can reduce costs associated with producing and marketing low-demand products. Focusing on core offerings will enable the company to concentrate resources on its most profitable products. However, discontinuing tea varieties may result in a loss of customer choice and potential revenue from niche markets.

Invest in market research to identify new product opportunities with high potential: By investing in market research, TAM can identify emerging trends and customer demands, leading to developing new products with high potential. This will enable TAM to expand its product portfolio and seize new market opportunities. However, market research can be costly and require product development and testing time.

F. Identify cost-saving measures and process efficiencies:

- Conduct a comprehensive review of operational processes and expenses: TAM can identify areas for cost reduction and process improvements by evaluating operational processes and expenses. This will lead to increased efficiency and financial savings. However, conducting a comprehensive review may require significant time and effort.

- Explore opportunities for automation and technology implementation in various areas: By leveraging automation and technology, TAM can streamline processes, reduce manual labor, and improve overall efficiency. This will result in cost savings and increased productivity. However, implementing new technologies may require upfront investment and staff training.

- Optimize sourcing and procurement strategies to reduce costs: By optimizing sourcing and procurement strategies, TAM can negotiate better deals with suppliers, reduce raw material costs, and improve overall supply chain efficiency. This will result in cost savings and improved profitability. However, optimizing strategies may require in-depth market analysis and negotiation skills.

IV. Choice and Rationale: Tea and More should consider options A, B, and C.

- Solution A: Improve customer service by outside sales staff:

Improving customer service by providing better incentives, implementing a sales training program, and enhancing communication with clients has been chosen as it directly addresses the issue of lost sales due to poor customer service. By investing in sales staff and improving their skills, TAM can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, increasing sales. The rationale behind this choice is that happy and satisfied customers are likelier to continue doing business with TAM and recommend the company to others.

- Solution B: Enhance the TAM brand to retain significant customers:

Enhancing the TAM brand through marketing activities, market research, and personalized customer service has been chosen to tackle the challenge of significant customers being lured away by low-cost, low-quality competitors. By investing in marketing initiatives and understanding customer preferences, TAM can differentiate itself from competitors and strengthen customer loyalty. The rationale behind this choice is that a strong brand identity and personalized service create a sense of trust and value among significant customers, reducing the likelihood of them switching to competitors.

- Solution C: Improve inventory management and supply chain efficiency:

Optimizing inventory management and supply chain processes has been chosen to minimize stock outages and resolve faster production and delivery difficulties. TAM can ensure product availability and streamline the supply chain by developing better forecasting models, establishing closer supplier relationships, and implementing inventory tracking systems. The rationale behind this choice is that efficient inventory management and a reliable supply chain contribute to improved customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and increased profitability.

By implementing these solutions, TAM aims to address the significant problem comprehensively, focusing on enhancing customer service, strengthening the brand, and improving operational efficiency.

V. Implementation:

To implement these choices and address the significant problem at hand, Tea and More (TAM) can take the following steps:

1. Develop a comprehensive training program for sales staff to enhance their customer service skills: TAM can allocate resources to create a training program that focuses on developing communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills for the sales staff. This program can include workshops, role-playing exercises, and ongoing training sessions to improve their customer service abilities continuously.

2. Allocate resources for marketing initiatives to strengthen the TAM brand: TAM can invest in marketing activities, such as creating eye-catching displays, designing impactful advertising campaigns, and launching targeted promotions. These initiatives can help build brand awareness, attract new customers, and reinforce loyalty among existing significant customers.

3. Implement inventory management and tracking systems to optimize stock levels: TAM can adopt advanced inventory management software to track stock levels, warehouse management, and demand forecasting. This will enable TAM to minimize stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and improve overall supply chain efficiency.

4. Establish closer relationships with suppliers and work towards faster production and delivery times: TAM can proactively engage with suppliers to build strong partnerships based on trust and collaboration. TAM can negotiate better production and delivery timelines by fostering closer relationships, ensuring faster turnaround times and a more reliable supply chain.

5. Implement measures to streamline the invoicing and payment process: To simplify the invoicing and payment process, TAM can adopt electronic invoicing systems and online payment platforms. These technological enhancements will accelerate payment collection, reduce administrative overhead, and improve cash flow.

6. Conduct a thorough review of operational processes to identify cost-saving opportunities and optimize efficiency: TAM can conduct a comprehensive review of its operational processes to identify areas for improvement. This includes analyzing workflow, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing process optimization measures to reduce costs, enhance productivity, and improve overall efficiency.

Regular monitoring and evaluation of the implemented solutions will be critical to assess their effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments. TAM should establish KPIs and conduct regular reviews to track progress, gather feedback from customers and employees, and make continuous improvements to drive sustainable growth.


1. To address lost sales due to poor customer service by outside "contract" sales staff, Tea and More (TAM) can prioritize the training and development of its sales staff. Additionally, TAM can establish clear performance metrics and incentives to encourage sales staff to prioritize customer satisfaction.

2. To restore the TAM brand's attractiveness and power, the company can invest in marketing activities, conduct market research, and focus on delivering personalized service to significant customers. By consistently demonstrating value and quality, TAM can reinforce its position in the market and increase customer loyalty and retention.

3. TAM can implement advanced inventory management systems and demand forecasting models to address inventory issues caused by unpredictable customer orders and production challenges. Establishing closer relationships with suppliers, including EML, can lead to smoother production and delivery processes. TAM can discuss with EML the possibility of shorter lead times and more frequent production runs to meet customer demand more efficiently.

4. To reduce collection time and maintain positive customer relationships, TAM can implement measures like transitioning to electronic invoicing, offering incentives for prompt payment, and implementing adequate credit management. Communicating payment terms and providing responsive customer service can also help manage expectations and encourage timely payment.

5. TAM should analyze market dynamics and factors such as customer feedback, sales data, and trends to understand the underperformance of new tea varieties. Limited experimentation can attract new customers or meet changing preferences, but the decision should be based on a cost-benefit analysis of feasibility, profitability, and market demand.

6) TAM can analyze its operations to identify financial advantages and process efficiencies. This can be done by reviewing and optimizing various aspects of the business, exploring automation and technology adoption opportunities, closely evaluating financial data and performance indicators, and implementing cost-saving measures such as negotiating better deals with suppliers and optimizing inventory management.