Overview: Conduct research and analysis on your approved emergency response agency in preparation for developing your social media plan. Instructions: Use the attached form to research your approved

Overview: Conduct research and analysis on your approved emergency response agency in preparation for developing your social media plan.  Instructions:  Use the attached form to research your approved 1

EMH280: Crisis Comm and
Social Media

Social Media Plan Analysis Form


[Date Prepared]

Agency Mission

[Research and briefly state your agency’s mission or purpose.]


Remember that audiences often differ across platforms when determining target audiences for the Social Media Plan. Targeting entire communities without focus across every social media platform can lead to wasted resources and public confusion. Use evidence-based data from media consumption studies, project reports, surveys, qualitative studies, and government statistics. To strategically identify audiences, answer the following:

  1. Which populations frequently visit your current social media accounts, website, or other relevant landing pages (e.g., a partnering agency’s social media page(s))? [For this assignment, compare your agency’s demographics with current general social media use demographics.]

  1. Which age groups/category groups within your community are considered a priority to reach through social media?

  1. Who are your Access and Functional Needs populations (give details here), and what considerations do they need with communication efforts?

  2. What languages are spoken within your community? Of these, which are a priority to reach through social media?

  1. Which platforms do the identified populations commonly use? [Refer to questions 1 and 2.]

  2. What is each platform’s unique value in meeting your established objectives? In other words, how will these specific platforms deliver on your objectives in ways that another platform may not?


[Provide existing communication goals or create communication goals that support the operational mission and effectively communicate with your community. Discuss how you would improve upon the existing communication goals. If you create communication goals, discuss why you chose these goals and how they improve communication for your agency. You can use a generative AI tool such as ChatGPT, Bard, or Bing to help create social media goals for emergency management that support your agency’s mission and communication needs. Make sure you customize your resulting response with specific details of your own researched agency information and community communication needs. If you use this option, you must 1) explain how you modified the answer generated by the generative AI tool and 2) reference the generative AI query using the following formatting:

Author of Generative AI tool. (year, month day). Name of generative AI tool, including the version you are using. Retrieved from [URL of the platform where the conversation occurred].]

  • [Communication Goal]

Current Agency Platforms and Strategy

[Research and state your agency’s current social media platform accounts. For each account, describe the type of content currently being shared through the platforms and the frequency of activity.]

  • [Platform: Content, Frequency]

Community Interaction Guidelines

Find existing guidelines or social media policies outlining the handling of public comments and official posting guidelines and state them here. If no current policy or guidelines exist, state your findings.

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