Attached is two documents. Please write a 3-4 thought paper. The purpose of the thought paper is to draw some larger conclusions from your experience with the health behaviors. Take a step back and c

January 27, 2024

I noticed at night my mind is constantly racing. I spend hours on my phone before bedtime scrolling endlessly through TikTok. I spend about an hour and a half nightly doing this task. Sometimes my eyes just generally get tired and other time it keeps me up by filling my brain with new information that has my mind in a frenzy. I decided to play some concentration music that is dedicated to sleeping recently. After the first night I noticed myself getting excited for bedtime. I have fallen in love with the ocean noise, and it has become my absolute favorite. I notice I am less irritable at work and overall, I have a positive outlook on the day ahead when I wake up. I think I am going to keep his new behavior as a staple in my bedtime routine. I have noticed that the eliminating my screen time intake before bed has also eliminated my morning headaches I thought were just from hunger. 

February 3, 2024

Every day on the way to work I stop at QuikTrip and grab a red bull to start my workday. I usually do this every week from Monday- Thursday. The red bull gives me a sense of energy because I never fully receive 8 hours of sleep nightly. The red bull gives me the energy that I need but it always makes me feel sluggish by noon. Recently, I have been doing a lot of research on diet. I have noticed that a red bull a day makes me unhappy and makes me feel heavy. I have stopped drinking red bulls daily and significantly decreased my caffeine intake. Instead, I now drink a gallon of water daily and I have substituted all sugary snacks with either snacks in high protein like tuna or snacks with little sugar like mini tomatoes and mozzarella balls. I have noticed I feel a lot better at the ending of my day and I also have the energy to come home and devote my time to bible study and completing my homework. After decreasing my caffeine intake from red bull, the first week was hell. I was irritable and angry at work. Now that I have developed a routine, I am significantly happier.

February 10, 2024

I am not that active. I know that it is recommended to at least engage in exercise but honestly, I am lazy and really don’t feel like doing anything after work. When I am at work I do walk around my office and complete my daily tasks that consists of me walking but I am not that knowledgeable about exercising. I realized that I had to start somewhere, and I started working out after work. I work out at a minimum of 4 days a week. I noticed that I am a lot sore, and I will admit I am eager to find out. I will say that I am happy that I am taking my health into my hands. It has been a mental battle as sometimes I feel like I just wasn’t to lay down. I am learning how to stop making excuses and find the joy in taking care of my body. I find that I am always taking care of others and this year is a self-care year for myself. Although I only work out for 30-45 minutes a day it is a work in progress.

February 24, 2024

I feel so heavy, and I am overweight. I am 227 pounds. I have a very poor diet because I work 12 hours a day and my meals are not that healthy. I also notice that I am overeating. I am not deliberately doing this it’s just that I am uninformed on nutrition. Recently I have started paying more attention to food and portion size. My diet was so poor. I’m embarrassed to say this, but I have no clue what the food labels on items mean and honestly, I do not watch calories. Recently, I have begun to eat healthy. I have upped my protein intake and have started meal prepping and eating clean meals. I am eating 3 clean meals a day. My breakfast includes two boiled eggs and a side of two strips of bacon. For lunch I either eat some tuna and some cucumber slices of I eat a side salad with lettuce, vinaigrette, onion, tomato, and cucumber. I have switched from dairy to nondairy milk. I notice that I am a lot happier, and I have a lot of energy. I also have more energy to complete some daily duties. I am so happy I made the switch although I still eat ranch, and mayo but I aspire to be like my favorite Tik Tok creator Nara Smith. She makes everything from scratch down to the cereal and her own cheese. She substitutes all the harmful ingredients in our everyday foods for more healthier options.

March 2, 2024

As of recently, I’ve been arriving to work late. I need to get up on time instead of snoozing through my alarms. I have recently started taking vitamin D, melatonin, and a handful of other vitamins that are supposed to rejuvenate muscle and give your body energy. I have spent hours on end researching vitamins and the components within each vitamin. My biggest concern was to ensure I could take all my vitamins together. I notice that it doesn’t take myself sleeping through four alarms for me to get up. I am a lot happier because when I get to work on time I feel better. I don’t feel judged, and I don’t feel rushed and or hurried.

March 9, 2024

I have fallen off my exercise grind because honestly, I am exhausted coming in from work and then going to work out. I don’t have the dedication because I am juggling so much on my plate. I’m in school, I’m engaged, and I’m also working full time. All my responsibilities seem to be catching up on me. I have committed to dedicating my mornings on the weekend to walking and doing a light jog. It’s been about 2 weeks since I started and I honestly, I can say I feel a lot better. I feel so great on my morning run. If my schedule would allow it, I would go running every morning with my headphones. So far, I’ve remained consistent, I hope I keep up, so I can see results and burn fat.