Part A the paper topic: The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships / scope How touch affects interpersonal relationshipsinclude at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters in both the pap


The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships


Institutional Affiliations

The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships

Annotated Bibliography

Chatel-Goldman, J., Congedo, M., Jutten, C., & Schwartz, J. L. (2014). Touch increases autonomic coupling between romantic partners. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience8, 95.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to investigate the effect of interpersonal touch on autonomic coupling between romantic partners.

  • They designed an ecological paradigm where couples interacted solely through touch, manipulating their empathic states.

  • Autonomic activity (skin conductance, pulse, respiration) was collected simultaneously.

  • Fourteen couples participated in the experiment.


  • Interpersonal touch increased the coupling of electrodermal activity between partners, irrespective of the intensity and valence of the emotion.

  • Physical touch reliably induced significant changes in individuals' physiological states.

Implications for My Paper

  • This study provides evidence for the significant role of touch in romantic relationships, suggesting it as a vital channel for affective support.

  • The findings support the notion that touch facilitates somatovisceral resonance between partners, laying the foundation for emotional contagion and empathy.

  • I can utilize these results to argue for the importance of physical touch in fostering emotional intimacy and connection within romantic relationships.

  • Additionally, I can incorporate these findings to discuss the physiological mechanisms underlying the bond between partners and its implications for relationship satisfaction and well-being.

Debrot, A., Schoebi, D., Perrez, M., & Horn, A. B. (2013). Touch as an interpersonal emotion regulation process in couples’ daily lives: The mediating role of psychological intimacy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin39(10), 1373-1385.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to explore the psychological effects of interpersonal touch in romantic relationships.

  • They conducted a study involving 102 dating couples who completed electronic diaries four times a day for a week.

  • Multilevel analyses were employed to examine the associations between touch, affective states, and psychological intimacy.


  • Touch was found to be associated with enhanced affect in the recipient partner, mediated by the recipient's psychological intimacy.

  • Touch was also linked to increased intimacy and positive affect in the actor (the one initiating the touch).

  • Participants who experienced more frequent touch during the diary study week reported better psychological well-being six months later.

Implications for My Paper

  • This study highlights the significance of touch in promoting psychological intimacy and well-being in romantic relationships.

  • I can use these findings to emphasize how touch serves as an interpersonal emotion regulation process, enhancing the emotional connection between partners.

  • By discussing the mediating role of psychological intimacy, I can argue that touch strengthens the bonds between partners, leading to positive affective outcomes.

  • Additionally, I can incorporate the longitudinal aspect of the study to suggest that frequent touch may contribute to sustained psychological well-being within romantic relationships over time.

Debrot, A., Stellar, J. E., MacDonald, G., Keltner, D., & Impett, E. A. (2021). Is touch in romantic relationships universally beneficial for psychological well-being? The role of attachment avoidance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin47(10), 1495-1509.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to investigate the association between touch in romantic relationships and psychological well-being, considering the role of attachment avoidance.

  • They conducted a study involving both partners of 102 dating couples who completed electronic diaries four times a day for a week.

  • Multilevel analyses were used to examine the relationships between touch, affective states, and psychological intimacy, while considering attachment avoidance.


  • Touch was found to be associated with enhanced affect in the recipient partner, mediated by the recipient's psychological intimacy.

  • Additionally, touch was linked to increased intimacy and positive affect in the actor (the one initiating the touch).

  • Participants who experienced more frequent touch during the diary study week reported better psychological well-being six months later.

  • However, the beneficial effects of touch on psychological well-being were moderated by attachment avoidance, suggesting that individuals with higher levels of attachment avoidance may not experience the same benefits from touch in romantic relationships.

Implications for My Paper

  • This study contributes to understanding the nuances of touch in romantic relationships by considering individual differences in attachment styles.

  • I can use these findings to discuss how attachment avoidance may influence the impact of touch on psychological well-being within romantic relationships.

  • By incorporating the role of attachment avoidance, I can argue that while touch generally promotes positive affect and well-being, its effects may vary depending on individuals' attachment orientations.

  • This study underscores the importance of considering individual differences when examining the effects of touch in romantic relationships, adding depth to the understanding of its psychological benefits.

Goldstein, P., Weissman-Fogel, I., & Shamay-Tsoory, S. G. (2017). The role of touch in regulating inter-partner physiological coupling during empathy for pain. Scientific reports7(1), 3252.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to investigate the role of touch in regulating inter-partner physiological coupling during empathy for pain.

  • Twenty-two romantic couples participated, with one partner acting as the pain receiver (target) and the other as the pain observer (observer).

  • Participants were assigned roles under pain/no-pain and touch/no-touch conditions, and their ECG and respiration rates were recorded.

  • The effects of partner touch on interpersonal physiological coupling were examined, considering levels of empathy and analgesia.


  • Partner touch increased interpersonal respiration coupling under both pain and no-pain conditions.

  • Touch also increased heart rate coupling under pain conditions.

  • Physiological coupling was diminished by pain in the absence of partner touch.

High levels of partner empathy and analgesia enhanced coupling during partner touch.

The findings suggest that social touch increases interpersonal physiological coupling during pain and may contribute to the analgesic effects of touch via the autonomic nervous system.

Implications for My Paper

  • This study provides insights into how social touch affects physiological coupling between romantic partners during empathy for pain.

  • I can use these findings to argue that touch plays a crucial role in regulating interpersonal physiological synchronization, particularly in the context of pain empathy.

  • By discussing the results, I can emphasize the importance of touch in enhancing empathic responses and promoting physiological alignment between partners.

  • Incorporating the findings regarding the analgesic effects of touch, I can highlight the therapeutic potential of touch in alleviating pain and promoting well-being within romantic relationships.

Jakubiak, B. K. (2022). Affectionate touch in satisfying and dissatisfying romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships39(8), 2287-2315.

Researchers' Method

  • The researcher aimed to investigate the correlates and anticipated consequences of affectionate touch in romantic relationships.

  • Two nationally representative samples were used.

  • Study 1 examined the association between kissing frequency and individual well-being, particularly focusing on the level of relationship satisfaction.

  • Study 2 involved randomly assigning participants to imagine receiving affectionate touch from their spouse and then assessing anticipated individual and relational benefits.


  • In Study 1, greater kissing frequency was associated with greater individual well-being, with stronger links observed in the most satisfying relationships.

  • Study 2 found that participants who imagined receiving affectionate touch anticipated greater individual well-being (reduced stress and increased life satisfaction) and relational benefits (perceived partner affection, state security, cognitive interdependence, and relationship quality).

  • These anticipated benefits were more pronounced among individuals with moderate or high relationship satisfaction but were still present for those in distressed relationships.

Implications for My Paper

  • This research provides valuable insights into the benefits of affectionate touch in romantic relationships across a diverse range of relationship satisfaction levels.

  • I can use these findings to argue that affectionate touch contributes to individual and relational well-being, regardless of relationship satisfaction levels.

  • By discussing the results of Study 1, I can emphasize the positive association between kissing frequency and individual well-being, highlighting the role of physical affection in fostering happiness and satisfaction.

  • Additionally, I can incorporate the findings of Study 2 to support the idea that affectionate touch has both individual and relational benefits, which can potentially mitigate the negative effects of relationship distress.

Jakubiak, B. K., Fuentes, J. D., & Feeney, B. C. (2021). Individual and relational differences in desire for touch in romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships38(7), 2029-2052.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to investigate individual and relational differences in the desire for touch within romantic relationships.

  • Two studies were conducted: Study 1 involved a sample of dating, engaged, and married individuals, while Study 2 included married couples.

  • The studies examined predictors of overall desire for touch and unique desire for overtly affectionate versus indirectly affectionate forms of touch.

  • Various individual and relationship characteristics, such as sex, relationship quality, attachment avoidance, and psychological distress, were measured and analyzed.


  • In both studies, being female and high relationship quality were the strongest predictors of overall desire for touch.

  • Attachment avoidance was associated with lower overall desire for touch in Study 1, and both actor and partner attachment avoidance predicted lower desire for indirectly affectionate touch in Study 2.

  • Greater psychological distress predicted greater desire for indirectly affectionate touch in both studies.

Implications for My Paper

  • This research sheds light on the factors influencing individuals' desire for touch within romantic relationships, providing insights into individual and relational dynamics.

  • I can use these findings to argue that desire for touch varies among individuals and is influenced by factors such as gender, relationship quality, attachment style, and psychological distress.

  • By discussing the results of Study 1, I can highlight the general predictors of overall desire for touch, emphasizing the importance of relationship quality and gender in shaping individuals' inclination towards physical affection.

  • Incorporating the findings of Study 2, I can delve deeper into the role of attachment avoidance in specific forms of touch, suggesting that individuals with higher levels of attachment avoidance may prefer less overtly affectionate forms of touch.

Jolink, T. A., Chang, Y. P., & Algoe, S. B. (2022). Perceived partner responsiveness forecasts behavioral intimacy as measured by affectionate touch. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin48(2), 203-221.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to investigate the relationship between perceived partner responsiveness and affectionate touch in romantic couples.

  • They conducted three prospective studies using ecologically valid behavioral and daily data.

  • Study 1 and Study 2 utilized behavioral data to examine the association between perceived partner responsiveness and affectionate touch.

  • Study 3 focused on daily data to test a theoretical extension of the interpersonal process of intimacy, examining how affectionate touch forecasts the partner's perception of the touch-giver's responsiveness the next day.


  • The preliminary integrative data analysis involving 842 participants indicated a positive association between perceived partner responsiveness and affectionate touch.

  • Study 1 and Study 2 provided further support for this association, showing a positive relationship between perceived partner responsiveness and affectionate touch in romantic couples.

  • Study 3 extended the findings, demonstrating that affectionate touch forecasts the partner's perception of the touch-giver's responsiveness the following day, aligning with the interpersonal process model of intimacy.

Implications for My Paper

  • This research highlights the importance of perceived partner responsiveness in predicting affectionate touch within romantic relationships, suggesting it as a crucial situational factor influencing physical intimacy.

  • I can use these findings to argue that perceived partner responsiveness plays a significant role in fostering affectionate touch, thereby enhancing relational intimacy.

  • By discussing the results of each study, I can emphasize the consistency of the positive association between perceived partner responsiveness and affectionate touch, underscoring its relevance across different methodologies.

  • Incorporating the findings of Study 3, I can discuss how affectionate touch not only reflects perceived partner responsiveness but also contributes to shaping the partner's perception of responsiveness in subsequent interactions.

Sorokowska, A., Kowal, M., Saluja, S., Aavik, T., Alm, C., Anjum, A., ... & Croy, I. (2023). Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world. Scientific reports13(1), 5497.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to explore the association between love and affectionate touch behaviors in romantic partnerships across different cultures.

  • Two studies were conducted, involving a total of 7,880 participants.

  • In the first study, a cross-cultural survey conducted in 37 countries was used to examine whether love was universally associated with affectionate touch behaviors.

  • The second study utilized a more detailed touch behavior scale to investigate the relationship between the frequency of affectionate touch behaviors and love in romantic partnerships.


  • Both studies revealed that love was related with touch behaviors to a significant and positive extent.

  • The data showed that even when we adjusted for potentially congruent factors, such as affectionate touch, it was consistently observed as a stable feature of human romantic relationships.

  • The findings were confirmed in differing cultural contexts, demonstrating the universality of the connection between love and affectionate touch displays in romantic relationships.

Implications for My Paper

  • The research gives arguments about the strong relationship between love and affectionate touch activities in romantic relationships across different cultures.

  • These findings will help me to argue that affectionate touch is a kind of universal way for lovers to communicate feelings of love and affection in a romantic relationship.

  • I could present the results of each study demonstrating the repeatability of the connection between love and caring touch behaviors and could thus underscore the importance of this factor when studying the dynamics of romantic global relationships.

  • The cross-cultural aspect of this research will be highlighted by a statement on the universality of romantic touch as a basic human aspect of interaction, regardless of cultural differences.

Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frąckowiak, T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T., ... & Croy, I. (2021). Affective interpersonal touch in close relationships: A cross-cultural perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin47(12), 1705-1721.

Researchers' Method

  • The purpose of the researchers was to study the association between love with friendly touch behavior among romantic partners across the cultures.

  • Two studies with the number of participants of 7,880 were conducted.

  • In this study, a cross-cultural survey that covered 37 countries was employed to investigate whether or not love and touch behaviors that are related to affection are universal.

  • The second study used a more detailed scale to measure the frequency of affectionate touch behaviors and investigate their correlation with love in romantic relationships.


  • The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between love and affectionate touch behaviors in both studies.

  • Regardless of any other possibly responsible issues, the positive association between loving touch and romantic relationships was maintained.

  • The findings were consistent throughout different cultures, demonstrating the universality that the touch behaviors in love and affection relationships manifest in romantic settings.

Implications for My Paper

  • This study provides a strong foundation for the affirmation that there is a connection between love and touch-based behavior in romantic relationships, regardless of cultural variations.

  • This way, I can use this data to stress the universality of affectionate touch as a basic way through which intrinsic feelings of intimacy and love are communicated among partners.

  • The demonstration of the outcomes of the two studies will allow me to emphasize the robustness of this relationship between affections and touch behaviors, hence, confirming the fact that touch is a crucial tool for nurturing and expressing romantic love.

  • I can include the cross-cultural perspective to discuss the fact that affectionate touching is an integral aspect of human romantic interaction that even transcends culture.

Wagner, S. A., Mattson, R. E., Davila, J., Johnson, M. D., & Cameron, N. M. (2020). Touch me just enough: The intersection of adult attachment, intimate touch, and marital satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships37(6), 1945-1967.

Researchers' Method

  • The researchers aimed to investigate how adult attachment tendencies relate to touch satisfaction in marriage.

  • They conducted a cross-sectional investigation involving 180 different-sex married couples.

  • Attachment anxiety and avoidance were measured, along with touch satisfaction and marital quality.

  • The interplay between attachment, touch satisfaction, and marital quality was examined using statistical analyses.


  • Husbands with higher attachment anxiety were less satisfied with touch, especially when routine affection was low.

  • Lower routine affection decreased touch satisfaction for both husbands and wives, regardless of attachment style.

  • Greater avoidance in wives was associated with husbands reporting lower touch satisfaction.

  • Touch satisfaction was positively associated with marital quality, even when controlling for routine affection.

  • Exploratory analyses suggested that touch satisfaction may mediate the relationship between attachment anxiety and marital quality.

Implications for My Paper

  • This study provides insights into how adult attachment tendencies influence touch satisfaction in marriage.

  • I can use these findings to argue that attachment insecurities impact engagement in and satisfaction with touch, influencing overall marital quality.

  • By discussing the results, I can emphasize the importance of routine affection in maintaining touch satisfaction within marital relationships, regardless of attachment style.

  • Incorporating the findings regarding the association between touch satisfaction and marital quality, I can highlight the significance of physical intimacy in fostering marital satisfaction and stability.

  • Furthermore, I can discuss how touch satisfaction may serve as a mediator between attachment anxiety and marital quality, underscoring the complex interplay between attachment, touch, and relationship satisfaction.