Students will be working through complex case studies in class. In preparation for these exercises, students must complete the questions and charting noted in the attached instructions, using the asso

CJM-Table Recognize Cues What cues need follow up? What findings are of most concern?

Analyze CuesBased on your identified cues, what possible disease processes exist? Group your findings that support these disease processes Prioritize HypothesesWhat are the priority concerns or highest risk/complication?

Support with your evidence—why?

Generate Solutions What potential interventions are needed for this patient? What are the contradictions if any? Take Action What interventions need to be performed immediately? Think about 2-3 to do right away. Evaluate OutcomesWhat findings would indicate an improvement or decline? How will you measure this? -91-year-old Black male admitted for treatment of anemia secondary to chronic kidney failure -wants to stop dialysis Risk factors:-age (91 yrs old)-chronic kidney failure-DMLabs:-Hgb:7.0 and Hct: 20%-WBC:13+3 ketones in urine+bilirubin in urineLarge glucose in urineHazy amber urineModerate nitrite-Renal failure-DM-anemia-Psychosocial issues because he wants to stop dialysis -Decreased H/H (anemia) -fluid imbalance-infection, possibly UTI-Liver disease-anemia, H/H: 7.0/20-Chronic kidney failure, receives dialysis 3 times a week.

-Psychosocial issues due to wanting to stop dialysis and feels alone since his wife died.

-Oxygen-Blood transfusion-Type and cross-Record I&O’s-Monitor vital signs-assess heart and lung sounds -low sodium diet-daily weights-social worker consult-diuretics-antibiotics -Blood transfusion-antibiotics-Hospice consultImproving:-H/H increased, >Hgb 13.5 and >Hct 41% -Decrease in WBC, less than 11 -vital signs WNL-Increase in energy-