BenchmarkRequires LopeswriteAssessment Description The focus of this assignment is to apply the principles detailed in the Belmont Report to case studies involving human subjects in research or a qual

NRS-445: Research Critiques and Evidence-Based Practice Change Proposal Guidelines

Use this document to synthesize the information from your "Literature Evaluation Table" from Topic 1 into a literature review. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you use your conclusions from your literature review to propose an evidence-based practice change.


  • Introduce your nursing practice problem and discuss the purpose of your paper.

  • State your updated PICOT question incorporating any feedback that you received from your instructor.

Method of Studies

  • State the methods of the four articles you are comparing and describe how each method helps answer the associated research question.

Results of Studies/Key Findings

  • Summarize the key findings of the four studies.

Outcomes Comparison

  • What are the anticipated outcomes for your PICOT question?

  • How do the outcomes of the four articles you chose compare to your anticipated outcomes?

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

  • What is the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified?

  • Based on this information, propose an evidence-based practice change to improve outcomes of patient care for your identified setting.

  • Suggest one way to assess outcomes for the proposed practice change to determine whether or not it is effective.


  • Your conclusion should summarize the main points in the essay, including a varied restatement of the thesis.