Please make the following corrections listed below to the attached paper. The sections needed to be updated are highlighted in yellow on the attach paper. Funding Choice Include the numerical breakdo

For the INCOME STATEMENTS, start over as you did not follow my feedback from Attempt 2. Include the dates. Do not shorten the figures on the statements as it makes calculations more difficult, especially as it relates to smaller categories. State those just as they appear on Yahoo (in thousands). You need your base year of 01/31/2024 - 01/31/2027. You must calculate FORWARD, not backwards. Per my previous feedback: Keep all figures as they were stated in Yahoo and add a statement that "all figures are posted in thousands". Also, keep these as whole numbers, no "cents" as this will simplify the process for you.

Use Yahoo Finance Classic View

Search: Walmart

Click blue “Financials” tab.

Click blue “Income Statement” tab.

Confirm your formula from top to bottom: total rev - cost of rev = gross profit - op exp = op inc + net non op + other inc = pretax inc - taxes = net income.

Start with Total Revenue. Go to your firm's Yahoo Finance page. Click on the Analysis tab. Yahoo gives you the revenue estimates for CURRENT YEAR and NEXT YEAR. Use the HIGH estimates INCLUSIVE of the value your project brings to the table. For the 3rd year, Yahoo gives you the PER ANNUM GROWTH ESTIMATE FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS (bottom of the page). Simply multiply this % with the NEXT YEAR revenue estimate to calculate the total revenue figure for the 3rd year. Revenues are done.

For all other NON-SUBTOTAL categories (cost of rev, op exp, net non op, other inc and taxes), simply take the % for your base year and apply that to the next 3 years.

Take cost of rev/rev for the base year and apply that % to Years 1-3. (1/31/2025, 1/31/2026, 1/31/2027)

Take op exp/gross profit for the base year and apply that % to Years 1-3

Take net non op/op inc for base year and apply that % to Years 1-3

Take other inc/op inc for base year and apply that % to Years 1-3

Take taxes/pretax inc for base year and apply that % to Years 1-3

For the discussion, format as follows: (1) Yahoo high estimates were used for 2025 & 2026 with a ?% growth rate for 2027, inclusive of the value of the project. (2) For all other categories, 2024 historical %s were used as no material changes are expected at this time. (3) This results in a ?% increase in total revenue and a ?% increase in net income from 2024-2027. (4) Plug your project in a few sentences and close out the discussion.