DropBox for Part A : School and Community Relationships for School Leaders SEE FILE Start Assignment This is one part of a state-wide common assessment that evaluates candidates’ abilities in developi

EDL 788 School and Community Rela 7onships for Instruc 7onal Leaders Interview one community/ business person, one teacher and one school leader compile your findings. Submit a wri Een report. Sample ques 7ons below (choose or use as a guide). 1.How does the community feel about the school? 2.How are parents/faculty informed about the school data/informa 7on? 3.How do faculty and sta ff speak of each other and the school? Explain. 4.Explain how di fferent cultures and sub-groups feel about being valid members of the school and community? 5.How regularly do parents/community members or teachers/sta ff aEend school events? 6.Does the school have a sense of vision and a mission that is shared by the faculty and sta ff and community? What is the vision and mission? 7. How is the school leadership in tune with teachers students, parents and the community? 8. How are teachers and community members involved in classroom instruc 7on? 9. Does the school have a commi Eee comprised of teachers, administrators, students, parents and community members to help in decision making? Explain 10. How does the school communicate with parents regarding improving student achievement through curriculum/instruc 7on/pedagogical prac 7ces? 11. How o Xen does the school publish relevant sta 7s7cs that highlight school successes? 12. How o Xen does the school list sugges 7ons for poten 7al volunteers to assist in needed areas (e.g., technology, sports, and curriculum)? Give examples. 13. In your opinion, what do the schools need to do to strengthen their 7es with the community? 14.In your opinion, what do the schools need to do to improve student achievement by embedding professional development and instruc 7onal prac 7ces by suppor 7ng teachers? 15.How can the Instruc 7onal Leadership role contribute to improved rela 7onships both internally (teachers/faculty) and externally (businesses/parents/community)?