Be as reflective as possible. You do not need to submit the completed identity activity sheets. Although no one else will see your completed activity sheet, you will choose portions of these to share

Social Identity Wheel activity sheet

1. Identities you think about most often: Age

2. Identities you think about least often: Gender

3. Your own identities you would like to learn more about: N/A

4. Identities that have the strongest effect on how you perceive

yourself: Ethnicity

5. Identities that have the greatest effect on how others perceive you:


Race: African American

Ethnicity: Jamaican

Socio-Economic Status: working class

Gender: woman

Sex: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

National Origin: Jamaican

First Language: English

Physical, Emotional, Developmental (Dis)Ability: none.

Age: 33

Religious or Spiritual Affiliation: Christian