Article Assignment Each class member will research an article concerning facility management from a peer-reviewed journal. Network with classmates to make certain no article is duplicated. Refer to


Annotated Bibliography

Greg Bullock

The University of Southern Mississippi


Dougherty, N. & Seidler, T. (2007). Injuries in the buffer zone: A serious risk-management

problem. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 78(2), 132-140.

This article emphasizes that to provide a safe environment, most sport and recreational activities require a certain amount of space between the activities and the obstructions. This space is referred to as a buffer zone. The buffer zone issue is a complex one and is especially acute in the sport of basketball. According to lawsuit analysis, lack of adequate buffer space was alleged to have been the primary cause of injury in 21 percent of all cases. Information in this article makes it apparent that facilities must be designed as much as is feasible with injury prevention in mind. Walls and spectator seating should be as far away from the playing surface as possible. Accidents happen, and we cannot and do not want to provide activities that are completely without risk. However, it should be the goal of each facility manager to reduce the risk as much as possible. I found this article to be interesting and especially useful for someone planning to construct a facility for activity.


Gaskin, L. P., Lumpkin, A., Tennant, L. K. (2003). Mentoring new faculty in higher

education. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 74(8), 49.

This article discusses many techniques that can be used by department chairs and existing faculty to help new faculty members become acquainted with institutional culture and expectations. Many times new faculty in higher education often need help managing the struggles and challenges of such things as teaching and course preparation, and research. The article pointed out that a transition into a new institution can be easier with the aid of an experienced faculty mentor. Many institutions are finding that faculty members familiar with the institutional culture and expectations are willing to commit time and energy to help the development of a new colleague. This article impressed me, and I would recommend it for new faculty in higher education.


Kyong-Jee, K. & Bonk, C. K. (2006). The future of online teaching and learning in

higher education: The survey says. Educause Quarterly, 29(4), 87-95.

This article addressed future directions of online education and its role in the future of higher education. Several possible future trends that will effect, increase, and enhance online instruction at institutions of higher education were discussed. Institutions have increasingly embraced the idea of online learning and have worked on strategic plans to implement online education. Many are the myths and misconceptions related to the difficulty and effectiveness related to teaching and learning online. Some institutions have embraced it more quickly than others and some more or less against their will. However, if institutions of higher education remain competitive in today’s ever changing educational market, online education is an area that must be addressed. Briefly discussed are some of the perceptions that have prevailed about online education, trends and improvements in online education, and necessary implementations for institutions to be effective online educators. This article was quite enjoyable and should be read by those administrators of institutions in higher education.


Hypes, M. (2006). Planning and designing facilities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation

& Dance, 77(4), 21-40.

This article states that successful facility development requires step by step planning.

Initially, a feasibility study should determine if there is a need for a new facility. Once the need has been determined, a project planning committee should be organized and a master plan developed. Funding options should then be researched to determine how the project will be funded. The next step is to develop a program statement for the architect so that a relationship is shown between the programs to be offered at the facility and the facility design. A number of professionals are then hired, most importantly a good architect, to plan the facility. Proper planning is essential for effective and efficient facilities. I thought this article was well written and was full of information that can be of use.