Dropbox for Part B and D: School and Community Relationships for School Leaders Start Assignment Using the information obtained from the data and demographics assignment and Part A, determine the st

EDL 688 MDE Common Assessment Template

Part A: School and Community Relationships for School Leaders

Using the information obtained in your interview assignment and research, you will do the following:

In a narrative of no more than one to two pages (1-2), please address the following criteria:

  1. What are two areas of perception and needs of the school and community?

  2. What is the uniqueness/diversity of families within this school community?    

Please type your narrative below and remember to double space and follow APA format:

Academic Support and Achievement: Both school staff and community members in the Jones County area, have certain expectations and assumptions that students need increased instruction and assistance in their schooling. Extra academic arrangements like remedial classes, extensions, and classes for school summer terms and other break periods, and student support services for basic learning areas, including but not limited to mathematics and English, are also needed. The community further feels that academic success is the only paramount achievement and that extra efforts to close those gaps are required.

Parental and Community Engagement: Another area that needs improvement is parents' and communities' participation in school. Although parents are often incorporated through activities and messages, they still feel that they are not genuinely included in the school’s activities. The parents surveyed indicated that they lacked adequate information about and participation in their children’s educational processes and hence felt unable to support their children as they should.

What is the uniqueness/diversity of families within this school community?

The Jones County school community bears great diversity in ethnicity, culture, and economic status. There are many children from multilingual households and multiple children from homes where they learn English as a second language which dictates the need for efficient language support provisions. It encompasses both regular users and newcomers, which makes the contribution of ideas and enriches the views of the society. There are significant disparities in students’ socio-economic backgrounds, with some families struggling financially, so the school must offer quality and inclusive programs to prevent biases against certain groups of learners. Such conditions enhance the diversity and cultural competence of the school and demand adequate ways for how all the students and their families can be provided for properly.

Using the template below, please fill in the following:

  1. Strategies for collaboration to meet the identified needs (at least two)

  2.  Short Term Goals (at least two)

  3.  Long term Goals (at least two)

  4.  Timeframe for Implementation of the strategies and goals.

Strategies for Collaboration and to meet the identified needs

  1. Implementing a Comprehensive Academic Support Program:

Strengthen and diversify with after-school academic help, mainly in math, English, and social sciences.

Offer training for teachers to intervene and correct educational problems because they lack some techniques for handling many students.

  1. Enhancing Parental and Community Engagement:

A community liaison should be introduced to help solve communication problems that might arise between the school and the families.

Scheduling special Parent’s Association meetings that involve seminars and usage of examples of the teaching process at home.

Short Term Goals

1. Launch After-School Tutoring Programs: Start with trials on main subjects like math or reading, evaluating the results and the take-up rate within a defined period of time.

2. Host Monthly Parent Workshops: These workshops are based on the school's needs and target student assistance with homework, literacy, and assistance accessing available school resources.

Long term Goals

1. Sustain and Expand Academic Support Services: There is evidence of feedback and results that widening the tutoring programs offering more subjects and, perhaps, online supporting services is advisable.

2. Develop a Robust Parent Engagement Framework: Effort to engage the parents consistently through feedback, frequent status, and progress reports, as well as developmentally appropriate activities appropriate to the community’s culture.

Timeframe for Implementation

Short-term Goals: Introduce the after-school program in the first semester of school and become involved in the monthly parent meeting.

Long-Term Goals: Within the next two to three years, broaden and strengthen the academic support services while also developing a solid framework for engaging the students' parents, incorporating the feedback received, and periodically implementing changes.