Module One Journal Guidelines and Rubric IDS 105 Module One Journal Guidelines and Rubric Overview Every person has their own personal identity, which is a combination of one’s social identities. I

IDS 105 Project Template
Cultural Awareness Guidebook

[Note: To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your paper.]

Identify your chosen scenario and conflict.

[Insert response here.]

Part One: Social Justice (Complete this section in Module Two.)

  1. Explain the difference between justice, fairness, and equality in the scenario.

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe how bias can influence your perception of social justice in the scenario.

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe how different narratives in society can impact your perception of social justice.

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe the core principles of social justice in the scenario.

[Insert response here.]

Part Two: Intercultural Communication and Collaboration

  1. Describe how you would demonstrate cultural fluency in the scenario. (Complete this section in Module Three.)

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe how cultural fluency benefits your self-awareness. (Complete this section in Module Three.)

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe how an awareness of other cultures can benefit interpersonal communication with people in the scenario. (Complete this section in Module Four.)

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe how exposure to diverse backgrounds can positively influence communication in the scenario. (Complete this section in Module Four.)

[Insert response here.]

  1. Explain why an awareness of diversity is beneficial to collaboration in the scenario. (Complete this section in Module Four.)

[Insert response here.]

Part Three: Communication Strategies to Navigate Conflict (Complete this section in Module Five.)
  1. Describe the components of the conflict represented in the scenario.

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe different interpersonal communication strategies that can be used in conflict resolution.

[Insert response here.]

  1. Choose an appropriate communication strategy you would employ in the scenario. Include an explanation of why you chose that communication strategy.

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe the potential challenges of communication in the scenario.

[Insert response here.]

  1. Describe the benefits and challenges of using restorative practices to navigate the conflict in the scenario.

[Insert response here.]


[This section is optional. If you use sources, cite them here.]