Hello I need help with a project: 4-2 Project One Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric ACC 330 Project One Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview Tax organizers are used to help perform due dilig

ACC 330 Project One Milestone Two Template

Instructions: Complete all six sections of the template. In item number five, you will also complete the Tax Organizer document. You will submit both documents upon completion.

  1. Compare three tax positions by completing the table below:

Criteria to Compare

Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Client ID

Filing Status

Dependents (list)

Income Streams (list)

Deductions (list)

Tax Credits (list)

Other pertinent information (list)

  1. Summarize the features of each tax position.

Position 1 [summarize]

Position 2 [summarize]

Position 3 [summarize]

  1. Identify your chosen client’s tax position.

[Identify which client profile you select to work with.]

  1. Explain the characteristics of your chosen tax position.

    • [characteristics]

    • [characteristics]

  1. Complete the Tax Organizer section (accessible from the Supporting Materials section of Project One Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric), which has two steps.

    • Complete the Tax Organizer using the data provided for the chosen tax position.

    • [Comment here in this document on your experience of completing the Tax Organizer.]

  1. Tax Planning considerations based on the completed Tax organizer.

    • [List several bulleted points to consider.]

    • [List several bulleted points to consider.]

    • [List several bulleted points to consider.]


[Sources should be cited according to APA style.]