see attached

PowerPoint presentations are provided for chapters 14, 16-18 for your to review.

  • Chapter 14 PowerPoint - Drugs for Anxiety and Insomnia

  • Chapter 16 PowerPoint - Drugs for Emotional, Mood, and Behavioral Disorders

  • Chapter 17 PowerPoint - Drugs for Psychoses

  • Chapter 18 PowerPoint - Drugs for the Control of Pain

The instructor commentary focuses on cardiovascular health. The number 115,200 sounds fairly significant, right? It’s something that wouldn’t sneak by without notice. For most of us, however, we barely give a thought to the fact that this is about how many times the heart beats in one day (based on an average rate of 80 beats per minute). The cardiovascular system is an impressive network that consists of a pump (complete with its own conduction system) which continuously circulates blood through 60,000 miles of intricately connected vessels.

Significant attention is given to this system when a malfunction occurs in one of its components. This may be chest pain indicative of angina or acute myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure (CHF) or stroke. Each of these states is likely to produce symptoms that lead a patient to seek medical care. Other conditions such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia may go unnoticed until screening occurs, but they can also have considerable consequences.

Reducing morbidity and mortality through preventive measures continues to be a key initiative in managing patients with cardiovascular conditions. While family history plays a key role in risk assessment, screening for other controllable risk factors is critical. The patient's plan of care should reflect a multi-faceted approach which includes smoking cessation, lifestyle modifications (diet and exercise), pharmacologic management and ongoing monitoring.

Because the cardiovascular system is complex, a variety of drug categories are used to manage different conditions. Broad categories include: antiarrhythmics; antihypertensive agents; cardiotonic agents antianginal agents; lipid-lowering agents; anticoagulants; and drugs used to treat anemias. Often times, combination therapy is warranted as the patient may have simultaneous conditions.

Please review these two journal articles to review statistics and management of cardiac disease: 

  • AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Nov, 78 (22) e187–e285. 

  • Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2022 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2022;145:e153–e639.